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42° 42' 31" N Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
19° 22' 27" E UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 4729745, Easting: 366873, Zone: 34T GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 4729745, Easting: 366873, Zone: 34T Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 21 Lambert Projection: Northing: 7870820, Easting: 9972801 Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:
0 km away from this Hospital-Cenex Medical , Montenegro
Cenex Medical Home Usluge Hirurgija Plastična i estetska hirurgija Povećanje usana Povećanje grudi Smanjenje grudi Liposukcija vrata Liposukcija tijela Lipoliza Zatezanje stomaka Korekcija zadnjice Face Lifting Čeoni lifting PRP tretman Podizanje obrva Korekcija bora Očni kapci Transplatacija kose Oštećena koža lica Ginekomastija Botoks Maksilofacijalna hirurgija (MFH) ORL Korekcija ušiju Operacija nosa Rekonstruktivna Hirurgija Rekonstrukcija lica Abdominoplastika Opekotine Ožiljci Hirurgija šake Dječija hirurgija Opšta hirurgija Rekonstrukcija lica Vaskularna hirurgija (VHI) Dermoskopija Ginekologija Intimna hirurgija Himenoplastika Plastika stidnih usana Plastika Vagine Urologija Radiologija Kardiologija Opšta medicina Urinarne infekcije Arterijska hipertenzija O Nama Naši ljekari Foto Galerija Vijesti iz medicine Kontakt Plastična i estetska hirurgija Povećanje usana, povećanje i smanjenje grudi, liposukcija\r\nvrata i tijela, zatezanje stomaka, korekcija zadnjice, facelifting ... Vaskularna hirurgija Vaskularna hirurgija je medicinska specijalnost \r\ni grana hirurgije koja se bavi hirurškim liječenjem \r\nbolesti krvnih sudova. ORL hirurgija Sinusi, krvarenje iz nosa, strana tijela u nosu,\r\nzapaljenje nosa – Rhinitis, polipi i tumori, korekcija ušiju,\r\n korekcija i operacija nosa, tumori usne duplje i ždrijela… Dermoskopija površna kontaktna mikroskopija kože Ginekologija Laparoskopija, intimna hirurgija, himenoplastika,\r\n plastika stidnih usana, plastika vagine Kardiologija Grana medicine koja se bavi\r\n liječenjem bolesti srca i krvnih žila Dječija hirurgija Hiruški pregled novorođenčeta, pravovremena\r\n dijagnostika urođenih anomalija i hiruško liječenje Opšta medicina Opšta medicina je grana medicine čija je onovna\r\n uloga promocija, unapređenje, kontrola, očuvanje\r\n i zaštita zdravlja stanovništva.
Naš uspjeh je odlična reputacija kao i veliki broj zadovoljnih pacijenata. Koristeći aparate zadnje generacije naši ljekari imaju mogućnost primjene novih metoda u estetskoj i plastičnoj hirurgiji Estetska i plastična hirurgija\n\nPovećanje usana, povećanje grudi, smanjenje grudi, liposukcija vrata, liposukcija tijela, zatezanje stomaka, korekcija zadnjice, face lifting… Detaljnije. Vaskularna hirurgija\n\nVaskularna hirurgija je medicinska specijalnost i grana hirurgije koja se bavi hirurškim liječenjem bolesti krvnih sudova… Detaljnije. Ginekologija\n\nCenex Medical nudi sve vrste ginekoloških pregleda: Laparoskopija, Endometrioza, Gestacijska trofoblastna bolest, Karcinom grlica materice, Kontracepcija, Papa bris. Detaljnije.
\n\n\r\n Your browser does not support the video tag.\n\n Cenex Medical\n\nDobrodošli na našu internet prezentaciju. Ovdje možete saznati sve što vas interesuje o opštoj, plastičnoj, estetskoj i rekonstruktivnoj hirurgiji kao i ostalim uslugama klinike CENEX MEDICAL u Podgorici.\n\nUkoliko niste našli odgovor na Vaša pitanja na našoj prezentaciji, pošaljite nam e-mail i rado ćemo vam odgovoriti u najkraćem mogućem roku.\n\nKontaktirajte nas! Vijesti iz medicine 27Nov Autoimuni odgovor kod dijabetesa tipa 1 može uzrokovati srčanu bolest 0 Comments Držanje dijabetesa tipa 1 pod strogom kontrolom može kod oboljelih od dijabetesa tipa 1 spriječiti razvoj imunološke reakcije na vlastito tijelo, koja.
.. Read More → 27Nov I decu bole kosti 0 Comments Hronična boljka pokazuje svoje lice do 16. godine, a mališani se žale da ih “peku” ruke, stopala, vrat, vilica… Muka..
. Read More → Cenex Medical Novosti Vaše ime\n\nEmail adresa\n\n \n\nComments are closed. O nama Klinika za plastičnu i estetsku hirurgiju od 2002. godine uspješno obavlja sve hirurške intervencije iz ove oblasti. Naš uspjeh je veliki broj zadovoljnih pacijenata kao i reputacija koju imamo u našoj državi i okruženju.
Vijesti iz Medicine Autoimuni odgovor kod dijabetesa tipa 1 može uzrokovati srčanu bolest I decu bole kosti Lek za visok krvni pritisak povećava rizik od raka kože? Kontakt Goce Delčeva br. 18\r\nPodgorica, Crna Gora Phone: +382 (67) 645-466 Fax: +382 (20) 645-466 E-Mail: [email protected] Pratite nas na Facebook-u Website: Pixella Back to Top .
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Montenegro occpies 13812 km of territory, which is >0.01%% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 161 in the list of largest countries in the world. Montenegro is a small Balkan country with a narrow strip of beaches along its Adriatic sea.
Local time: Sat, 29 Mar 2025, 09:10:19
at Europe/Podgorica
Currency: Euro Official Languages: Serbo-Croatian (Ijekavian dialect - official) Other Languages: Language Codes: sr,hu,bs,sq,hr,rom Political System: republic Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 13452.00/360 Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 2522.0/0 GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 7260 Birth per 1000: 10.59 Death per 1000: 9.30
Are you interested in having a 4-day week at a friendly small animal hospital? Our client in West Sussex is seeking... a permanent Registered Vet Nurse. Salary of £28-£33k per annum DOE, certificates, and hospital experience level. 4-day week...
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We are looking for someone to cover cleaning and catering across the hospital to ensure a welcoming, clean, and safe... of the day to day running of the hospital and ensures our patients and their families experience a high quality service...
Job Title: Pharmacy Assistant Location: Salford Royal Hospital Hourly Rate: £11.94 Hours: 40.0 Rowlands... Royal Hospital. Rowlands Pharmacy is the UK’s longest established chain of community pharmacies, with a proud history...
Job Description Bank Chef - Springfield Hospital - Bank Hours Catering | Restaurant | Cookery Based... on-site parking Provision of uniform About us Ramsay Health Care UK is a well-established global hospital group...
We currently have opportunities in our Domestic Services Department at Chirk Community Hospital for enthusiastic... are maintained and we are seeking additional Domestic Assistants to carry out these duties within our hospital. Previous experience...
Nurse to join The Hospital Discharge Team . As a Nurse in the Hospital Discharge Team you will be responsible completing... Hospital sites within STHK This is an exciting time to join the team as we are planning new and innovative ways of delivering...
Foundation Trust provides hospital services to a growing population of around 700,000 people living across Bedfordshire and the... surrounding areas across two busy hospital sites in Bedford and Luton. Both hospital sites offer key services...
JOB-20240819-db742659 Qualified Social Worker – Adults Hospital Team Location: Liverpool, UK Salary... Qualified Social Worker to join the Adults Hospital Team at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. This role allows you to make...
Are you looking for an exciting new challenge? Have you considered working in a hospital outpatient pharmacy... Addenbrookes hospital pharmacy. You will participate in all branch processes and establish relationships with customers, patients...
Job Description: Hospital Administrator |Full Time, Permanent | Fylde Coast | Competitive salary plus fantastic... benefits Spire Fylde Coast Hospital are looking for an experienced administrator to join the team on a full time, permanent...
. Job Description We have been appointment by NHS England as the Programme Delivery Partner for the New Hospital Programme (NHP). The NHP, launched... review in September 2024, the government has rebalanced hospital schemes with secured funding in five-year waves...
to join our Mental Health Hospital Discharge Team. If you have a flexible and adaptable management style, if you are excited about the... from hospital for our residents of Surrey. You will be ensuring front line care services are of a high quality and customer-focused...
Job Description: Hospital Night Porter | Harpenden | 37.5 hours per week | Night shifts | Competitive salary... and excellent benefits Spire Harpenden Hospital is looking for a Night Porter to work as a close and valued part of our team...
Job Description: Hospital Administrator |Bank | Fylde Coast | Competitive salary plus fantastic benefits Spire... Fylde Coast Hospital are looking for an experienced administrator to join the team on a bank basis. Spire Fylde Coast...
Are you looking for an exciting new challenge? Have you considered working in a hospital outpatient pharmacy... Addenbrookes hospital pharmacy. You will participate in all branch processes and establish relationships with customers, patients...
to join our Hospital Discharge team, either on a permanent or temporary basis. The positions are based council wide... to leave hospital. However, we work with our team to consider preferred locations to maximise their time and use of skills...
Aseptic Pharmacy Technician – Monday to Friday, Full-Time £21 - £26 per hour | Devon, NHS Hospital... opportunity for you to join a NHS Hospital Pharmacy team in Devon! Key Details: Job Title: Aseptic Pharmacy Technician...
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Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Cenex Medical sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Cenex Medical . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.