Listing Details of 'Centre Jean Perrin '

Centre Jean Perrin

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Category:  General Hospitals
Subcontinent and Continent:  Western Europe , Europe
Country:  France
Website:  http://www.cjp.fr/
City:  Le Mans
State:  Pays de la Loire
Email:  [email protected]
Latitude:  48.00659
Longitude:  0.1923999
Zip Code:  72000
Contact Address:  pont-perrin-72000-le-mans-france
Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  48° 0' 23" N
Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  0° 11' 32" E
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 5320847, Easting: 290601, Zone: 31U
GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 5320847, Easting: 290601, Zone: 31U
Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 3
Lambert Projection: Northing: 6515867, Easting: 9063930
Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:  0 km away from this Hospital-Centre Jean Perrin , France



Accueil - Centre Jean Perrin Accueil AccueilLe Centre JEAN PERRIN Patients | Soins| Innovations| Recherche et EnseignementDons et legsQualité - sécurité des soins Actualités Paiement d\'une facture ou d\'un devis Centre JEAN PERRIN CENTRE REGIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE CANCER D\'AUVERGNE \n\n Actualités Techniques et Innovation 14/06/2019\n\n Définitions Radiothérapie externe La radiothérapie consiste à exposer les cellules cancéreuses...\n\n Lire la suite..

. Information prothèses 28/11/2018\n\n Une interrogation relative à votre prothèse mammaire?Contactez-nous au 04 73 27 83 00...\n\n Lire la suite.

.. Movember 2018 09/11/2018\n\n MOVEMBER au Centre Jean PERRIN   Cliquer sur l\'image pour accéder au programme...

.\n\n Lire la suite... \n\n» Voir toutes les actualités \n\n  1ère fois\r\n04 73 27 82 78 SOS Sein\r\n04 73 27 83 00 Consultations de surveillance \r\n04 73 27 81 00 > Cliquez ici pour voir tous les services \r\n\r\nVotre entrée dans nos services, votre séjour, Espace Rencontre Information   \r\n\r\nLes soins\r\nLes services, Soins de support, accompagnement et soutien \r\n\r\nUn plateau technique de pointe\r\nImagerie, Radiothérapie, Chirurgie,\r\nOncologie médicale, Anatomie pathologique, Oncogénétique, Pharmacie, Anesthésie, Réanimation   \r\n\r\nRecherche et Enseignement\r\nEnseignement université, Recherche clinique,\r\nRecherche translationnelle \r\n Mis à jour : mercredi 18 avril 2018 12:59 \n\n Comment venir ?Assistance, aide et soutienAccueil famille, restauration, hébergementDécouvrir le livret d\'accueil \n\nUne équipe médicale hautement qualifiée\r\nCertifications, Indicateurs, \r\nQuestionnaire de satisfaction,\r\nASN (Agence de Sureté Nucléaire) \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n58, rue Montalembert\r\nBP 392\r\n63011 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 01\r\nTél.

: 04 73 27 80 80\r\nFax : 04 73 26 34 51\r\nMail : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. Mention légalesInfos pratiques \n\n .

While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Centre Jean Perrin sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Centre Jean Perrin . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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accueil, centre, perrin, accueille, perrin, patients, soins|, innovations|, recherche, enseignementdons, legsqualité, sécurité, soins, actualités, paiement, d\une, facture, devis, , , centre, centre, regional, lutte, contre, cancer, d\auvergne, , actualités, techniques, innovation, 14/06/2019\n\n, définitions, radiothérapie, externe, radiothérapie, consiste, exposer, cellules, cancéreuses\n\n, lire, suite, , , information, prothèses, 28/11/2018\n\n, une, interrogation, relative, votre, prothèse, mammairecontactez-nous, 00\n\n, movember, 09/11/2018\n\n, movember, cliquer, l\image, accéder, programme\n\n, \n\n», toutes, actualités, \n\n , 1ère, fois\r\n04, sein\r\n04, consultations, surveillance, \r\n04, cliquez, services, \r\n\r\nvotre, entrée, séjour, espace, rencontre, information, \r\n\r\nles, soins\r\nles, soins, support, accompagnement, soutien, \r\n\r\nun, plateau, technique, pointe\r\nimagerie, chirurgie\r\noncologie, médicale, anatomie, pathologique, oncogénétique, pharmacie, anesthésie, réanimation, \r\n\r\nrecherche, enseignement\r\nenseignement, université


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Logo and images portrayed above may be the proprietory content of Centre Jean Perrin . All other images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)

Country Population Area Capital/Currency Code
France 64768389 547030.0 Paris/EUR
France occpies 551500 km of territory, which is 0.0037% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 48 in the list of largest countries in the world. Metropolitan France (European France including Corsica) only. The French Republic including French overseas territories covers 674,843 km². Largest country in Western Europe.

Local time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025, 08:16:53
 at Europe/Paris

Currency: Euro replaced French Franc
Official Languages: French (français)
Other Languages: 
Language Codes: fr-FR,frp,br,co,ca,eu,oc
Political System: republic
Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 640427.00/3374
Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 4807.0/
GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 42250
Birth per 1000: 12.49
Death per 1000: 9.06

Additional information [Links to websites]

Date & Time Zones in France

UTC/GMT Date Time: Feb 22 2025 08:07:32

  • UTC-10:00 — most of French Polynesia
  • UTC-09:30 — Marquesas Islands
  • UTC-09:00 — Gambier Islands
  • UTC-08:00 — Clipperton Island
  • UTC-04:00 (AST) — Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin
  • UTC-03:00 (PMST) — French Guiana, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • UTC+12:00 — Wallis and Futuna
  • UTC+11:00 — New Caledonia
  • UTC+05:00 — Kerguelen Islands, Crozet Islands
  • UTC+04:00 — Réunion
  • UTC+03:00 — Mayotte
  • UTC+01:00 (CET) — Metropolitan France
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    While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


    Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Centre Jean Perrin sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

    Proprietory Content

    Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Centre Jean Perrin . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.