Cranford Hospice is Hawke's Bay's leading palliative care provider. Our dedicated team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Apollonion Private Hospital is an ultra-modern Hospital purposely built to offer the best medical care to its patients.
Al Zahra Hospital Sharjah is the first and the largest private general hospital in the UAE with both inpatient and outpatient treatment at an international standard,
UT Health East Texas is passionate about delivering the highest quality care with unmatched compassion, outstanding service and innovative technology.
Details of 'Centro de Atención Materno Infantil'
Maternity Hospitals Address:
Mariano Escobedo s/n, Culiacán, Sinaloa, 80000 Subcontinent and Continent:
North America ,
America Country:
Mexico Phone
(67) 15-3829 Website:
\N City:
Culiacán State:
Sinaloa Email:
\N Latitude:
24.80638 Longitude:
-107.39751 Zip Code:
80000 Contact Address:
Calle Mariano Escobedo, Culiacán Centro, 80000 Culiacán, SIN, México Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
24° 48' 22" N Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
107° 23' 51" W UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 2745636, Easting: 257644, Zone: 13R GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 2745636, Easting: 257644, Zone: 13R Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: -105 Lambert Projection: Northing: -1079524, Easting: 3496495 Browser/Visitor at , United States is:
0 km away from this Hospital-Centro de Atención Materno Infantil, Mexico
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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)
Capital/Currency Code
Mexico City/MXN
Mexico occpies 1964375 km of territory, which is 0.013% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 14 in the list of largest countries in the world. Third-largest country in North America. Local time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025, 06:56:07
at America/Mexico_City
Currency: Mexican Peso Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI) Official Languages: Spanish Other Languages: various Mayan, Nahuatl, and other regional indigenous languages. Language Codes: es-MX Political System: federal republic Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 1943945.00/20430 Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 5700.0/ GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 9940 Birth per 1000: 19.02 Death per 1000: 5.24
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Auxiliar de Almacén Hospitalario Turno Vespertino Hospital Tepotzotlán Perfil formativo Preparatoria concluida Perfil... materiales en el área de subceye durante cualquier cirugía. Oferta Contrato directo con el Hospital. Sueldo...
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Hospital San Ángel Inn Universidad esta buscando tu talento y el gusto por Quirófano Requisitos Licenciatura... para el sector de Medicina Salud en la empresa Hospital San Angel Inn Universidad de Benito Juárez. Salario acorde a tu experiencia y...
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Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx.
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Hospital San José Satélite está en busca de tu talento, ven y forma parte de nuestro equipo Funciones Elaborar... publicidad para los servicios que se ofrecen en el Hospital. Proponer actualizaciones en la comunicación visual publicada...
Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx.
Hospital San Angel Inn Universidad está buscando un Camillero capacitado y dedicado para unirse a nuestro equipo.... Hospital San Angel Inn Universidad es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Estamos comprometidos...
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While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.
Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Centro de Atención Materno Infantil sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Centro de Atención Materno Infantil. All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.