Cranford Hospice is Hawke's Bay's leading palliative care provider. Our dedicated team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Apollonion Private Hospital is an ultra-modern Hospital purposely built to offer the best medical care to its patients.
Al Zahra Hospital Sharjah is the first and the largest private general hospital in the UAE with both inpatient and outpatient treatment at an international standard,
UT Health East Texas is passionate about delivering the highest quality care with unmatched compassion, outstanding service and innovative technology.
General Hospitals Subcontinent and Continent:
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24° 58' 0" E UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 5089742, Easting: 342401, Zone: 35T GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 5089742, Easting: 342401, Zone: 35T Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 27 Lambert Projection: Northing: 8352415, Easting: 9652474 Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:
0 km away from this Hospital-Centrul Medical Galenus , Romania
Centrul Medical Galenus – Galenus Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 19-21, Tg. Mureș, MS 540235 0265 215 000 Programari Acasă Doctori Orar Despre Noi Contact Programari Acasă Doctori Orar Despre Noi Contact Modern.
Elegant.\r\n NOUL GALENUS \n\nAlaturi de profesionisti in domeniu, pentru pacienti si companii. Atenti la detalii...
Mai MULTA informatie\r\n cu ORARUL MEDICILOR \n\nTransparent cu cadrele medicale\r\n si transparent cu pacientii. Pentru ca timpul tuturor este important. #1 centru medical privat\r\n din Tg. Mures \r\n CENTRUL GALENUS \n\nPotential de dezvoltare..
.\r\n cu profesionisti, specialisti si doctori din variate domenii. In caz de urgenta Pentru orice urgenta, va rugam a apela in primul rand la 112. In orice alt caz va stam la dispozitie. Citeste mai mult Orarul doctorilor Credem in organizare si valorificarea timpului propriu.
La GALENUS, va punem la dispozitie planificarea doctorilor. Verifica orarul Orar Ambulator Luni-Vineri 7.30 - 21.00 Laborator Luni-Vineri 7.30 - 15.
30 Medicina Muncii Luni-Vineri 7.30 - 15.30 Citeste mai mult Bun venit la GALENUSGALENUS are privilegiul să fie primul CENTRU MEDICAL PRIVAT din Tg. Mureș \n\nResetăm CONTOARELE. Acum cu infrastructură IT unică în domeniul medical în ROMÂNIA.
Securitate și conformitate de grad maxim. Discreție. Experiența o aducem alături de echipele medicale, doctorii de renume cu care v-ați împrietenit și în vechea locație. De la înființare, GALENUS a devenit un renume local și național, pe varii specialități. Ne mândrim cu compasiune, înțelegere și egalitatea prin care tratăm pacienții și doctorii deopotrivă.
Practica medicală este scopul principal, profesionalismul scopul secundar, iar dotarea centrului cu tehnologie modernă, aparatură eficientă de asemenea. Galenus este un mediu centrat pe oameni – ceea ce înseamnă că vă aflați în centrul a tot ceea ce facem și al tuturor deciziilor pe care le luăm. Suntem partenerul dvs. pentru sănătate, ajutându-vă să trăiți bine prin aducerea la ușă a celor mai bune medicamente și îngrijiri medicale. Oferim o îngrijire imediată rapidă, eficientă și accesibilă pentru bolile care nu amenință viața.
In caz de urgenta, sunati la 112!!! Trimite-ne un mesaj! \n\nSPITALIZARI\n\nCAZURI AMBULATORII\n\nMEDICI ANGAJATI\n\nTESTE DE LABORATORAvem grija de sanatatea familiei tale si de timpul tau pretios \n\nBine ati venit la Galenus, un centru de diagnosticare full service si clinica de ingrijire medicala situata in partea centrala a orasului Tg. Mures. Oferim un tratament eficient și accesibil rapid pentru boli și vătămări care nu amenință viața și care necesită o atenție imediată de specialiști certificați. Ambulatoriu specialitate (Policlinică)\n\nOferă o gamă largă de servicii fiabile de laborator și de diagnosticare a imaginilor Medicina Muncii\n\nOferă o gamă largă de servicii fiabile de laborator și de diagnosticare a imaginilor Analize Medicale\n\nOferă o gamă largă de servicii fiabile de laborator și de diagnosticare a imaginilor Lista Servicii De ce merita?Galenus ofera rapiditate si promptitudine! \n\nMajoritatea pacienților sunt văzuți, tratați în aproximativ 60 de minute. Sanatate comportamentala Bolile urechii Fracturi Arsuri minore Leziuni minore Infectii de tract urinal Probleme digestive Raceala si Gripa Lista doctorilor \n\nOamenii fac Centrul Medical Galenus ceea ce este și suntem extrem de mândri de realizările noastre.
Noi toți lucrăm împreună pentru a ajuta pacienții noștri prin recuperare, oferind cea mai bună îngrijire posibilă. Dr. Balaianu Mihaela Neurologie Dr. Bancu Ligia Gastroenterologie Dr. Bara Noemi-Anna Alergologie Dr.
Bodan Adriana Pediatrie Dr. Bokor Endre Chirurgie generala Dr. Buda Amalia Gina Ginecologie Dr. Butiurca Sandor Chirurgie generala Dr. Cadâr Erol Riad Cardiologie Dr.
Calancea Igor Urologie Dr. Catarig Cristian Urologie Dr. Coroban Cristian Gastroenterologie Dr. Costea Ioana Medicina interna Dr. Crisan Radu Ginecologie Dr.
Cristian Trambitas Ortopedie Dr. Csiszer Iren ORL Dr. Demeter Timea Chirurgie vasculara Dr. Dorobantu Dorin Chirurgie estetica/plastica si Microchirurgie reconstructiva Dr. Duca Diana ORL Dr.
Duka Gabriella Endocrinologie Dr. Dunca Adriana Pneumologie Dr. Dutcus Ioan Adrian Ginecologie Dr. Florea Constantin ORL Dr. Floria Oana Oftalmologie Dr.
Fodor Pal Ortopedie Dr. Gherman Bogdan Neurochirurgie Dr. Ghizdavat Alexandru Ginecologie Dr. Gliga Florina Endocrinologie Dr. Gliga Mirela Medicina interna / Nefrologie Dr.
Graur Catalina Ecografie Dr. Ilcus Roxana Dermatologie Dr. Ispas Mihaela Cardiologie Dr. Ivanescu Adrian Ortopedie Dr. Lefter Elena Medicina interna / Nefrologie Dr.
Maier Dalila Anamaria Dermatologie Dr. Man Lidia Pediatrie Dr. Marginean (Meghesan) Daniela Cardiologie Dr. Moga Erika Pneumologie Dr. Moreh Zsuzsanna Pediatrie Dr.
Muntean Ioana Medicina interna Dr. Muntean Mihai Ginecologie Dr. Muntoi Dorian Urologie Dr. Neagos Adriana ORL Dr. Nemes Liliana Ecografie Dr.
Nicola Theodor Urologie Dr. Nistor Claudia Psihiatrie Dr. Oltean (Durlan) Andreea Pediatrie Dr. Pascanu Ionela Endocrinologie Dr. Pintea Adriana Ecografie Dr.
Podoleanu Cristian Cardiologie Dr. Popa Camelia Oftalmologie Dr. Prisca Radu Chirurgie Pediatrica Dr. Scripa Ernestina Cardiologie Dr. Serac Gabriel Chrirurgie generala Dr.
Solyom Arpad Ortopedie Dr. Stoian Adina Neurologie Dr. Szekely Eva Gastroenterologie Dr. Ureche Corina Alergologie Dr. Valcelean Luminita Reumatologie Dr.
Vilcelean Marius Ortopedie Dr. Voicu Sanda Pediatrie Florina Daniela Ruta Nutritie si Dietetica Psiholog Ramona Aldea Psihologie clinica si terapie In caz de urgenta, sunati la 112!\n\nVă rugăm să rețineți că ne pasă de intimitatea dvs. Trimite-ne un mesaj Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 19, Tg.
Mures\n\nVizitati orarul doctorilor pentru mai mult informatii ORAR DOCTORI Gaseste-ne pe harta!\n\n Harta Suna pentru programare\n\n 0265 215 000 Trimite-ne un mesaj!\n\n Trimite mail Despre noi\n\nLa Galenus intenționăm să creăm un mediu care îmbunătățește atât calitatea cât și durata vieții pacientului. Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 19-21\r\nTg. Mures, Mures 0265 215 000 office@galenus.
While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.
Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Centrul Medical Galenus sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Centrul Medical Galenus . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.
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Romania occpies 238391 km of territory, which is 0.0016% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 82 in the list of largest countries in the world. Central eastern European country with a coastline at the Black Sea. Local time: Thu, 27 Mar 2025, 12:13:25
at Europe/Bucharest
Currency: Leu Official Languages: Romanian (romana) Other Languages: Hungarian, German Language Codes: ro,hu,rom Political System: republic Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 229891.00/8500 Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 2544.0/0 GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 9060 Birth per 1000: 9.27 Death per 1000: 11.88
Job Title: Pharmacist Address: Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro TR1 3LJ Hourly Rate... looking for an exciting opportunity to make a difference in the healthcare industry and further your clinical skills working in a hospital...
Exciting Opportunity for Oncology Nurses (Band 5) at George Elliot Hospital in Nuneaton MedicsPro are seeking... agency work at George Elliot Hospital. This opportunity is to cover Monday - Sunday, day shifts, during the hours of 8am-8pm...
as high quality hospital care when needed. This includes the Grange University Hospital which provides specialist and critical... Reference number 040-EA039-0325 Job locations Grange University Hospital Caerleon Road, Llanfrechfa Cwmbran NP44 8YN...
(Hospital Discharge) 36.25 hours per week Ref ILC325 Hours to be worked flexibly Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm... people who have had recent hospital admissions to help put everything in place to enable customers to continue to live...
and passionate hospital based Substance Misuse Nurse to help shape our vision in how we provide clinical services to individuals... acute hospital including A&E Dept. and works in close collaboration with the community staff. Where: London, Victoria...
hospital based Substance Misuse Nurse to help shape our vision in how we provide clinical services to individuals whose lives... hospital including A&E Dept. and works in close collaboration with the community staff. Where: London, Victoria Hours: Full...
Volunteer to Career Ward Support CCU, West Cumberland Hospital, Whitehaven Fancy a career in healthcare? The...: Coronary Care Unit, West Cumberland Hospital About us At NCIC, we have an ambition to deliver outstanding healthcare...
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Job reference: [AR/10/10/2024 Job title: Oncology/Haematology Pharmacist – London - NHS Hospital - Band 7/8a... Are you an experienced Onc/Haem Pharmacist who’s looking for a new long term locum opportunity within an NHS Hospital in London...
Are you an ACT or MMT Pharmacy Technician looking for a rewarding locum role in a private hospital? We have an exciting... Technician Location: South London - Private Hospital Duration: 3-6 months Schedule: 4 or 5 weekdays per week, 9am - 5:15pm (45...
Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician – Private Hospital in Birmingham! Are you an experienced Pharmacy Technician... looking for a rewarding role in Birmingham? We have an exciting opportunity at a private hospital, offering great working hours and a chance...
Branch: Western Health & Social Care Trust Location: Gransha Waterside Hospital Directorate: Primary Care & Older..., Longstone Hospital Site, 73 Loughgall Road, Armagh BT61 7PR Applications which arrive after the advertised closing date/time...
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Catering Assistant at St Cadocs Hospital in Caerleon... as high quality hospital care when needed. This includes the Grange University Hospital which provides specialist and critical...
locum role in a hospital setting? We have an exciting opportunity with great pay and flexibility! Key Details: Job Title...: Pharmacist - Oncology (Band 7-8b) Location: NHS Hospital - Devon Duration: Ongoing (March 2025 Start) Schedule: Full-time...
The Hospital Director role at Elysium Healthcare's Bromley Road facility presents an exciting opportunity... with a global presence and unique approach to care delivery. Main duties of the job As the Hospital Director...
Job Description Adult's Social Worker, Hospital Team, Wiltshire Pay rate £35 per hour Contract role, Hospital Team... Pertemps are recruiting for an experienced Adult's Social Worker in Wiltshire This is to work within a Hospital Team...
Exciting opportunity to join a Pet hospital with a team of varying clinical interest. Allowing you to have access... hospital includes separate dog and cat kennelling facilities, in-house radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, piped gases...
Hospital IDVA Location: West London Hours: Monday to Friday 9-5 - Hybrid Working - 3 days in the hospital, 1 day... knowledge with hospital staff, enhancing their understanding and response to domestic abuse. Demonstrate strong communication...
Job Title: Pharmacist Address: Royal Berkshire Hospital, London Road, Reading, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5AN Salary... your clinical skills working in a hospital environment? Rowlands Pharmacy is seeking a talented and experienced pharmacist...
While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.
Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Centrul Medical Galenus sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Centrul Medical Galenus . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.