Listing Details of 'Cheonan Medical Center '

Cheonan Medical Center

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Category:  General Hospitals
Subcontinent and Continent:  Eastern Asia , Asia
Country:  South Korea
Website:  http://www.camc.or.kr
Email:  [email protected]
Zip Code: 
Contact Address: 
Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  0° 0' 0" X
Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  0° 0' 0" X
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 0, Easting: 166021, Zone: 31N
GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 0, Easting: 166021, Zone: 31N
Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 3
Lambert Projection: Northing: 4752400, Easting: 14360618
Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:  away from this Hospital-Cheonan Medical Center , South Korea



충청남도 천안의료원 천안의료원 바로가기 링크 본문바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기 퀵메뉴 바로가기 - 원장인사말\n\n- 연혁\n\n- 조직도\n\n- 의료원현황\n\n- 역대원장\n\n- 비전\n\n- 찾아오시는길 - 전화번호안내\n\n- 본관층별안내\n\n- 외래진료안내\n\n- 응급실진료안내\n\n- 입퇴원안내\n\n- 채용신체안내\n\n- 제증명발급\n\n- 의료보험안내\n\n- 포괄간호서비스\n\n- 신수포괄수가제\n\n- 호스피스완화의료안내 - 진료과안내\n\n- 공공의료팀\n\n공공보건의료사업\n\n의료사회복지사업\n\n자원봉사안내\n\n- 종합건강검진\n\n종합검진소개\n\n건강,생애,암,구강검진\n\n영유아검진\n\n학생검진\n\n제증명검진 - 의료원소식\n\n- 보도자료\n\n- 자료실\n\n- 채용정보\n\n- 입찰정보\n\n- 소식지\n\n- 신축이전 - 외래예약\n\n온라인예약\n\n예약확인\n\n- 의료정보\n\n- 정보공개\n\n- 부패방지 신고센터\n\n- 증명서발급안내\n\n- 의무기록 사본안내 - 소개\n\n- 이용안내\n\n시설현황\n\n이용절차\n\n접결실 현황\n\n- 장례절차\n\n장례절차\n\n사망신고및각종신고\n\n조문예절\n\n- 빈소이용현황 \n\n- 개인정보처리방침 \r\n · 원장인사말 · 연혁 · 조직도 · 의료원현황 · 역대원장 · 미션 및 비전 · 찾아오시는길 · 협력병원 · 전화번호안내 · 본관층별안내 · 외래진료안내 · 응급실진료안내 · 입퇴원안내 · 채용신체검사안내 · 제증명발급 · 고충처리안내 · 의료보험안내 · 포괄간호서비스 · 신포괄수가제 · 호스피스완화의료안내 · 진료과안내 · 의료진안내 · 외래진료시간표 · 인공관절 · 어깨센터 · 척추센터 · 종합건강검진 · 소화기클리닉 · 치매클리닉 · 공공의료팀 · 의료원소식 · 보도자료 · 자료실 · 채용정보 · 입찰정보 · 업무추진비 · 소식지 · 사진첩 · 의료정보 · 외래예약 · 정부 3.0 정보공개 · 부패방지 신고센터 · 증명서 발급안내 · 의무기록 사본안내 · 소개 · 이용안내 · 장례절차 · 빈소이용현황 천안의료원 인공관절 수술 2000회 달성 - 천안의료원이 인공관절 치환수술 2000례 달성을 기념해 지난 14일 의료원1층 로비에서 기념행사를 진행했습니다. 천안의료원이 대표적인 공공사업으로 진행하고 있는 인공관절치환술은 지난 2016년 1000례를 돌파한 후 1년 6개월 만에 이뤄낸 성과입니다. 이날 2000례 행사에서는 양승조 국회의원을 비롯해서 이기철 , 김동욱, 김종문, 홍성현, 이진환, 김연 도의원과, 조만호 천안서북구보건소장이 참석했으며 천안시노인회회원, 천안의료원 임직원등 100여명이 참석해 2000례 달성을 축하했습니다. 이날 행사에서 김영호 천안의료원장은 2000례 달성을 위해 고생한 김태원 1정형외과 과장과 권성우 간호사, 공공사업으로 취약계층 환자에게 인공관절수술을 받을 수 있게 적극적으로 도움을 준 전은성 사회복지사에게 공로패를 전달했습니다.

김태원 1정형외과 과장은 인공관절 수술을 소개하는 자리에서“2000례를 달성하는데 가장 큰 도움을 준건 천안의료원 직원들 이라며 직원들에게 고마움을 표했습니다. 김영호 원장은 참석해주신 내빈 여러분들께 감사드리며 이번 인공관절 2000례 달성을 매우 뜻 깊게 생각하고 천안의료원이 취약계층 환자에게도 최신시설의 의료장비와 수술실 그리고 대학병원 못지않은 의료진을 만날 수 있는 대표공공병원의 역할을 수행하는데 최선을 다하겠다고 밝혔습니다. 천안의료원 인공관절 수술 2000회 달성 \n\n 최근게시물 천안의료원 - 아산이주노동자센터..19.

06.13 천안의료원 BLS 심폐소생술 교육 ..19.06.

13 제 6회 호스피스 완화의료 교육 ..19.05.28 18기 행복건강대학 졸업식19.

05.24 천안의료원 KEB하나은행 컬처뱅크..19.05.

21 호스피스 암성통증 캠페인19.06.13 제6회 호스피스완화의료교육19.06.10 천안의료원 YWCA와 개인간병사 고.

.19.05.28 천안의료원 주차장 증축 완공!!!19.05.

16 천안의료원, 사별가족 지지모임 ..19.04.15 결핵에 대하여 알아봅시다.

16.11.02 환절기 생활백서, 가을철 건강관..16.

10.14 [건강정보] 증상별 절대 먹어서는..16.10.

05 C형간영 : 질병정보16.09.28 불면증 치료에 도움이 되는 10가..16.

09.22 close 환자권리장전   |  병원윤리강령  |   개인정보처리방침    관련사이트 링크 관련사이트 바로가기 보건복지부 대한병원협회 건강보험심사평가원 국민건강보험공단 대한의사협회 대한간호협회 대한약사회 한국보건산업진흥원 천안시청 개인정보보호 종합포털 충청남도도청 .

While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Cheonan Medical Center sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

Proprietory Content

Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Cheonan Medical Center . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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충청남도, 천안의료원, 천안의료원, �로가기, 링크, 본문�로가기, 주�뉴, 퀵�뉴, -, 원장인사말\n\n-, 연혁\n\n-, 조직도\n\n-, 의료원현황\n\n-, 역대원장\n\n-, 비전\n\n-, 찾아오시�길, 전�번호안내\n\n-, 본관층별안내\n\n-, 외래진료안내\n\n-, 응급실진료안내\n\n-, 입퇴원안내\n\n-, 채용신체안내\n\n-, 제증명발급\n\n-, 의료보험안내\n\n-, 포괄간호서비스\n\n-, 신수포괄수가제\n\n-, 호스��스완�의료안내, 진료과안내\n\n-, 공공의료팀\n\n공공보건의료사업\n\n의료사회복지사업\n\n자원봉사안내\n\n-, 종합건강검진\n\n종합검진소개\n\n건강생애�구강검진\n\n영유아검진\n\n학생검진\n\n제증명검진, 의료원소식\n\n-, 보도자료\n\n-, 자료실\n\n-, 채용정보\n\n-, 입찰정보\n\n-, 소식지\n\n-, 신축이전, 외래예약\n\n온라인예약\n\n예약확인\n\n-, 의료정보\n\n-, 정보공개\n\n-, 부패방지, 신고센터\n\n-, 증명서발급안내\n\n-, 의무기록, 사본안내, 소개\n\n-, 이용안내\n\n시설현황\n\n이용절차\n\n접결실, 현황\n\n-, 장례절차\n\n장례절차\n\n사망신고및각종신고\n\n조문예절\n\n-, 빈소이용현황, \n\n-, 개인정보처리방침, , \r\n, ·, 원장인사말, 연혁, 조직도, 의료원현황, 역대원장, 미션, 비전, 협력병원, 전�번호안내, 본관층별안내, 외래진료안내, 응급실진료안내, 입퇴원안내, 채용신체검사안내, 제증명발급, 고충처리안내, 의료보험안내, 포괄간호서비스, 신포괄수가제, 진료과안내, 의료진안내, 외래진료시간표, 인공관절, 어깨센터, 척�센터, 종합건강검진, 소�기클리닉, 치매클리닉, 공공의료팀, 의료원소식, 보도자료, 자료실, 채용정보, 입찰정보, 업무�진비, 소식지, 사진첩, 의료정보, ·, 외래예약, 정부, 정보공개, 신고센터, 증명서, 발급안내


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Logo and images portrayed above may be the proprietory content of Cheonan Medical Center . All other images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)

Country Population Area Capital/Currency Code
South Korea 12323252 196190.0 Dakar/XOF
South Korea occpies 99678 km of territory, which is 0.0007% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 108 in the list of largest countries in the world. A country occupying the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.

Local time: Tue, 16 Apr 2024, 23:22:27
 at Africa/Dakar

Currency: Won
Official Languages: 
Other Languages: 
Language Codes: fr-SN,wo,fuc,mnk
Political System: republic
Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 192530.00/4192
Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 581.0/0
GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 1070
Birth per 1000: 35.09
Death per 1000: 8.65

Additional information [Links to websites]

Date & Time Zones in South Korea

UTC/GMT Date Time: Apr 16 2024 23:38:35

Hospital Jobs

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Hertfordshire Hunter Gatherer AHP have a vacancy for an ACT Pharmacy... Technician to join an NHS Hospital in Hertfordshire. This post is on an ongoing basis, and can cater to 3/4/5 days per week. No...

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Lead Physiotherapist – ITU Brand New Private Hospital Posted on 11th April 2024 Birmingham... £50,000 - £57,000 per annum Lead Physiotherapist – ITU – Brand New Private Hospital Birmingham £57,000 Per Annum Full time – Permanent...

Compass Associates

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Nottinghamshire Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity... for a Clinical Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Nottinghamshire. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:50:23 GMT

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Devon

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Devon Hunter Gatherer AHP have a vacancy for an ACT Pharmacy Technician... to join an NHS Hospital in Devon. This post is on an ongoing basis, and can cater to 3/4/5 days per week. No previous hospital...

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Dispensary Pharmacist - NHS Hospital - Band 6 - Kent Are you a Pharmacist seeking a new opportunity? Do you want... to develop your skillset? Hunter Gatherer AHP have locum opportunities for Pharmacists seeking hospital-based positions in Kent...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Leicester Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity for a Clinical... Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Leicester. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist to join their department ASAP...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

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Hunter Gatherer AHP

Tue, 16 Apr 2024 01:02:15 GMT

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Sussex

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Sussex Hunter Gatherer AHP have a vacancy for an ACT Pharmacy Technician... to join an NHS Hospital in Sussex. This post is on an ongoing basis, and can cater to 3/4/5 days per week. No previous hospital...

Hunter Gatherer AHP
United Kingdom

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Surrey Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity for a Clinical... Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Surrey. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist to join their department ASAP...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Cambridgeshire Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity... for a Clinical Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Cambridgeshire. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Nottinghamshire Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity... for a Clinical Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Nottinghamshire. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Mon, 15 Apr 2024 22:45:36 GMT

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Devon

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Devon Hunter Gatherer AHP have a vacancy for an ACT Pharmacy Technician... to join an NHS Hospital in Devon. This post is on an ongoing basis, and can cater to 3/4/5 days per week. No previous hospital...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Berkshire Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity for a Clinical... Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Berkshire. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist to join their department ASAP...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Leicester Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity for a Clinical... Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Leicester. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist to join their department ASAP...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Surrey Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity for a Clinical... Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Surrey. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist to join their department ASAP...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Berkshire Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity for a Clinical... Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Berkshire. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist to join their department ASAP...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Hertfordshire Hunter Gatherer AHP have a vacancy for an ACT Pharmacy... Technician to join an NHS Hospital in Hertfordshire. This post is on an ongoing basis, and can cater to 3/4/5 days per week. No...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Mon, 15 Apr 2024 22:29:54 GMT

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Sussex

ACT Pharmacy Technician - NHS Hospital - Sussex Hunter Gatherer AHP have a vacancy for an ACT Pharmacy Technician... to join an NHS Hospital in Sussex. This post is on an ongoing basis, and can cater to 3/4/5 days per week. No previous hospital...

Hunter Gatherer AHP
United Kingdom

Dispensary Pharmacist - NHS Hospital - Band 6 - Kent Are you a Pharmacist seeking a new opportunity? Do you want... to develop your skillset? Hunter Gatherer AHP have locum opportunities for Pharmacists seeking hospital-based positions in Kent...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Clinical Pharmacist - Band 7 - NHS Hospital - Cambridgeshire Hunter AHP Resourcing have a locum opportunity... for a Clinical Pharmacist to join an NHS hospital in Cambridgeshire. The team are seeking a wards based Pharmacist...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Dispensary Pharmacist - NHS Hospital - Band 6 - Oxford Are you a Pharmacist seeking a new opportunity? Do you want... to develop your skillset? Hunter Gatherer AHP have locum opportunities for Pharmacists seeking hospital-based positions in Oxford...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

Specialist Oncology Pharmacist – Large Private Hospital Posted on 11th April 2024 Oxford £53,000 - £58,000 per annum... Specialist Oncology Pharmacist – Large Private Hospital Salary: Up to £58,000, Plus benefits Hours: Full time, Monday – Friday...

Compass Associates

Lead Outpatient Physiotherapist – Private Hospital Posted on 11th April 2024 Brentford £35,000 - £40,500 per annum... Lead Outpatient Physiotherapist – Private Hospital Up to £40,500 DOE Brentford Full time- Permanent Have you got MSK...

Compass Associates
Brentford, Greater London

ITU Staff Nurse – Private Hospital – ITU Course Provided Posted on 11th April 2024 London - Central... £36,000 - £38,000 per annum ITU Staff Nurse – ITU Course Provided – Private Hospital Up to £38,000 Central London Full-time – Permanent...

Compass Associates

Hunter Gatherer AHP have very exciting locum opportunities based with several Hospital services in Leicestershire...

Hunter Gatherer AHP

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While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Cheonan Medical Center sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

Proprietory Content

Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Cheonan Medical Center . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.