How Does Complementary and Alternative Medicine Benefit Autism Spectrum Disorder?

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Autism is a disorder that responds best to treatment that is holistic and addresses all aspects of the condition. Recent research has shown a benefit for what is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) or integrative medicine that focuses on pairing natural treatment approaches with behavioral therapies and treatments. This approach facilitates a more balanced treatment plan as it allows families, like yours, to treat the child with autism as just that – a child affected by autism.

Autism is diagnosed based on criteria from a diagnostic manual of mental disorders however, it is increasingly clear that many of these symptoms are medical – not psychological.

Common medical problems in children on the autism spectrum can include:

• Digestive problems: reflux, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pain, bloated abdomen

• Seizures

• Allergies, asthma, and eczema

• Food reactions

• Sleep problems

• Infections

• Poor nutrition

• Poor growth

Children with autistic-spectrum disorder have health issues that are very complex. This is the reason that the approach to help these children requires a wide variety of diagnostic tests to scientifically assess the cause of their health issues.

No two individuals experience autism in the same way, and individuals do not respond to the same treatments. This is the reason it is of utmost importance that each child with autism spectrum disorder be evaluated individually.

This is the reason that the approach to help these children requires a wide variety of diagnostic tests to scientifically assess the cause of their health issues. Tests that involve gastrointestinal functioning, allergens: both food and environmental, nutritional needs and toxin levels are paramount to identifying the causes of their symptoms and embarking on a plan to improve health. A plan may involve some or all of the following: dietary changes, use of herbal, homeopathic and nutritional supplements, as well as natural and complimentary medicines as needed to support healing and improve their health and functioning.

Much of this information is not well recognized by most of the medical community and so what is available is found in books or online. This can leave parents feeling frustrated as knowing what to do first, how to prioritize therapies, dietary changes and what supplements to use is subjective without the proper testing.

Diet is an important component for children on the Autism spectrum.

The “Autism Diet” has been around for many years and has helped many children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) improve their health, and functioning. Research shows that 91% of autistic children improved when following the autism diet. According to the Autism Research Institute, nutritional treatments show great success in autism treatment. They suggest an autism diet of avoiding yeast, glutens, casein, and any allergens.

Since 91% of children with autism spectrum disorder improve on the autism diet, this is something that parents can implement without the consult of a doctor or health care professional.

To help implement this diet here is a list of the top 10 foods to eat or avoid according to Dr Axe:


1. Additive-free, unprocessed foods

2. Bone broth

3. Poultry

4. Foods high in probiotics

5. Fish

And the top 5 foods to Avoid are:

1. Gluten

2. Cows Dairy

3. Sugar

4. Food coloring and dyes

5. Soy

Source by Dr Joelle Cafaro

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