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Category:  General Hospitals
Address:  #1, K.C. ROAD,NEAR PUTHUR 4 ROAD.
Subcontinent and Continent:  South Asia , Asia
Country:  India
Website:  http://www.kmchospital.in
Latitude:  10.81777
Longitude:  78.67273
Zip Code:  620017
Contact Address:  Puthur, Thillai Nagar, Tiruchirappalli, TN, India
Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  10° 49' 3" N
Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  78° 40' 21" E
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 1196800, Easting: 245539, Zone: 44P
GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 1196800, Easting: 245539, Zone: 44P
Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 81
Lambert Projection: Northing: 14299977, Easting: 12286279
Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:  0 km away from this Hospital-KAVERY MEDICAL CENTRE & HOSPITAL, India


general, hospital


Best Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai | Kauvery Hospital ABOUT Overview Vision & Mission Awards Gallery Careers CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE AND SPECIALTIES CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE Cardiac Science Neurology and Neuroscience General Medicine Diabetology orthopaedics spine surgery Gastroenterology Liver Diseases, Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery geriatrics Nephrology and Urology Science Vascular Surgery SPECIALTIES PATIENTS & VISITORS Patient Portal Appointments Admissions Preparing for surgery Emergency & Urgent Care Patient Safety Billing Insurance Amenities Medical Records Patient Stories Preventive Health Care Ask your Doctor INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS Patients Physicians Patient Referrals and Transfers Medical Education and Training INSURANCE NEWS & EVENTS News & Events Press Articles Videos & Interviews Social Posts Newsletters Quick Links Brochure Our Locations Chennai Trichy Cantonment Heartcity Tennur Karaikudi Hosur Salem Health Packages Chennai Trichy Hosur Karaikudi Contact Us Emergency Chennai Trichy Cantonment Heartcity Tennur Karaikudi Hosur Salem Blog Appointment Best Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai WELCOME\n\nKauvery Hospital is a leading, multi-speciality hospital offering best-in-class medical services for nearly 2 decades. With paramount focus on patient care, patient safety and patient satisfaction, we are committed to offer exemplary medical services going beyond the norm of healthcare. Read more NABH CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE Cardiac Science Read More Neurology Read More General Medicine Read More Diabetology Read More Spine Surgery Read More Orthopaedics Read More Geriatrics Read More Nephrology and Urology Read More Gastroenterology Read More Vascular Surgery Read More Liver Diseases Read More Our Hospitals in Trichy, Chennai, Hosur, Salem, Karaikudi offer State-of-the-art infrastructure & medical expertise from our 335+ Doctors 500000 + Happy Patients / year 335 + Doctors 47000 + Successful Surgeries PATIENT STORIES\n\nTouching Lives One Patient at a Time View Stories Subscribe for Newsletter SUBSCRIBE FOR INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS At Kauvery Hospital our services are designed to provide a very special environment to enhance healing and encompassing the comfort of your home away from home. Our team comprising of International Concierges, Interpreters, Billing Assistance and other associated non-medical staff are all trained to provide assistance efficiently.\n\n Read more LATEST NEWS What is heart swelling? Is it a life-threatening condition? How stories help children become mentally strong and enhance their imaginative capabilities Can Heart Attacks be reversed completely? More News Emergency Numbers Chennai Trichy Cantonment Trichy Heartcity Trichy Tennur Karaikudi Hosur Salem Back LOCATE US Feedback   |    Education   |    Corporate Initiative   |    Disclaimer   |    Privacy    |    Terms   |    Investor Relation   |    BMW Data   |    Sitemap © 2018 Kauvery Hospital Find a Doctor Emergency Chennai Trichy Karaikudi Hosur Salem Feedback / Suggestions\n\n Help us serve you better.

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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)

Country Population Area Capital/Currency Code
India 1173108018 3287590.0 New Delhi/INR
India occpies 3287263 km of territory, which is 0.023% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 7 in the list of largest countries in the world. Figure includes 120,849 km² of disputed territories with Pakistan and China. Third-largest country in Asia (after Russia and China). EB: 3,166,414 km²

Local time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025, 02:38:11
 at Asia/Kolkata

Currency: Indian Rupee
Official Languages: Hindi, Urdu. English (the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication)
Other Languages: Tamil (oldest language in the World), Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Panjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu.
Language Codes: en-IN,hi,bn,te,mr,ta,ur,gu,kn,ml,or,pa,as,bh,sat,ks,ne,sd,kok,doi,mni,sit,sa,fr,lus,inc
Political System: federal republic
Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 2973193.00/314070
Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 8598.0/0
GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 1570
Birth per 1000: 19.89
Death per 1000: 7.35

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Date & Time Zones in India

UTC/GMT Date Time: Mar 14 2025 20:44:43

  • UTC+05:30 (IST)
  • Hospital Jobs

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

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    Wed, 12 Mar 2025 06:02:07 GMT

    Senior Specialist.Pediatric.Aster RV Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

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    Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:00:46 GMT

    Hospital Duty Manager

    Company Overview Welcome to Spandana Hospital, a premier heart and superspeciality healthcare facility dedicated... to delivering world-class healthcare services at affordable costs. Our hospital, based in Bangalore, employs a highly trained...

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    Bangalore, Karnataka

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    Hospital IP Manager

    Company Overview Spandana Hospital, with its headquarters in Bangalore, is dedicated to providing world-class... healthcare services at affordable costs. As a heart and superspeciality hospital, it boasts a highly trained and committed team...

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    Bangalore, Karnataka

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    Senior Associate.Operations.Aster RV Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

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    Company Overview Spandana Hospital is a renowned heart and superspeciality hospital headquartered in Bangalore... our website at . Job Overview The Hospital Finance Counselor at Spandana Hospital will be a vital part of the healthcare...

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    Bangalore, Karnataka

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    Executive.Finance.MIMS Hospital Calicut

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

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    Pharmacist.Pharmacy.Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Thu, 06 Mar 2025 01:46:53 GMT

    Technician.Pulmonology.Aster RV Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

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    Technician.IVF.Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Wed, 05 Mar 2025 01:21:20 GMT

    Pharmacist.Pharmacy.Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

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    Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party KAVERY MEDICAL CENTRE & HOSPITAL sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

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