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Details of 'Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital '
General Hospitals Subcontinent and Continent:
Southern Europe ,
Europe Country:
Croatia Phone Website: City:
Dubrovnik State:
Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija Email:[email protected] Latitude:
42.64276 Longitude:
18.11066 Zip Code:
20000 Contact Address:
Dubrovnik, Hrvatska Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
42° 38' 33" N Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
18° 6' 38" E UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 4725192, Easting: 263126, Zone: 34T GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 4725192, Easting: 263126, Zone: 34T Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 21 Lambert Projection: Northing: 7766527, Easting: 9966971 Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:
0 km away from this Hospital-Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital , Croatia
Opća bolnica Dubrovnik Početna Vodič za pacijente Ravnateljstvo Odjeli i službe Back Vaskularna i torakalna kirurgija i neurokirurgija Odjel za neurologiju Palijativna skrb Radiologija Urologija Odjel za psihijatriju Odjel za ortopediju, traumatologiju i neurokirurgiju Oftalmologija i optometrija Internističke djelatnosti Odjel za patologiju i citologiju Pedijatrija Odjel za plastičnu kirurgiju i kirurgiju dojke Transfuzijska medicina Centralni operacijski blok sa sterilizacijom Kirurške djelatnosti Objedinjeni hitni bolnicki prijam - Centar hitne medicine Odjel za abdominalnu i torakalnu kirurgiju Pulmologija i imunologija Ginekologija i opstetricija Otorinolaringologije Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija Anesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivna medicina Odjel za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku Bolnička ljekarna Odjel za kardiologiju Radno vrijeme Novosti Kontakti Centralno naručivanje \n\nKorisne informacije \n\nVodić za pacijente\r\n \n\n Zapošljavanje \n\nInformacije od javnog interesa \n\n \n\n Opća bolnica Dubrovnik\n\nTradicija liječenja u Dubrovniku datira daleko u prošlost, još u antičko doba. U povijest svjetske medicine Dubrovnik je ušao uredbom iz 1377 godine uvođenjem karantena u trajanju od 40 dana. Poštujući tradiciju danas, u doba suvremenih dostignuća u razvoju i napretku medicinskih znanosti, želimo razvijati prepoznatljivost kvalitete kao centar medicine južne Hrvatske. Naš cilj je transparentnost upravljanja ljudskim, prirodnim i materijalnim resursima na dobrobit šire zajednice. Prepoznatljivost i ugled Dubrovnika u svjetskim razmjerima, obvezuje sve naše djelatnike na uvažavanje različitosti i stvaranje empatičnog okruženja kao i stalnim razvojem napretka u struci.
\n\nNaša misija – u skladu s najvišim standardima profesionalnosti, etike i osobne odgovornosti pružiti svim građanima zdravstvenu zaštitu i skrb u sigurnom okruženju. Kontinuiranim radom na razvijanju i usvajanju novih pristupa i metoda liječenja, obrazovanjem i educiranjem zaposlenika želimo pridonijeti učinkovitosti naših usluga. Timskim pristupom u pružanju usluga razvijati izvrsnost poštujući tjelesne, emocionalne i duhovne potrebe svakog pojedinca. \r\nUgled naše ustanove raste poboljšanjem zdravlja i podizanjem kvalitete života onih kojima služimo. Bolesnici i njihove obitelji su središte svih naših nastojanja, stoga će Vaše zadovoljstvo i povjerenje biti mjerilo našeg uspjeha.
Novosti OB Dubrovnik: Završna konferencija za… OB Dubrovnik: Završna konferencija…\n\nProjekt ‘Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijem’ predstavljen je ovog četvrtka u cijelosti… \n\nČetvrtak Kolovoz 08 DONACIJA GRADA Bolnici za obnovu… DONACIJA GRADA Bolnici za…\n\nGrad Dubrovnik donirao je 2 milijuna i 155 tisuća kuna… \n\nPetak Srpanj 26 Potpisan Sporazum o suradnji između… Potpisan Sporazum o suradnji…\n\nU Palači Ranjina danas je potpisan Sporazum o suradnji između… \n\nSrijeda Srpanj 24 Potpisan sporazum za realizaciju projekta… Potpisan sporazum za realizaciju…\n\nIako je izgrađen prije tridesetak godina, prilikom izgradnje OB Dubrovnik,… \n\nSrijeda Srpanj 17 Upozorenje na opasnost od toplinskih… Upozorenje na opasnost od…\n\n \n\nSrijeda Lipanj 26 | Korisni linkovi | Opća bolnica Dubrovnik je nastavna baza Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku Opća bolnica Dubrovnik je nastavna baza Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu Odjeli i službe Opće bolnice Dubrovnik \n\nOdjel za abdominalnu i torakalnu kirurgiju \n\nAnesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivna medicina Odjel za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku\n\n \n\nBolnička ljekarna \n\nCentralni operacijski blok sa sterilizacijom \n\nFizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija \n\nGastroenterologija \n\nGinekologija i opstetricija \n\nInfektologija, dermatologija i venerologija \n\nInternisticke djelatnosti \n\nOdjel za kardiologiju \n\nKirurške djelatnosti \n\nNeurologija \n\nObjedinjeni hitni bolnicki prijam - Centar hitne medicine \n\nOftalmologija i optometrija \n\nOdjel za plastičnu kirurgiju i kirurgiju dojke \n\nOpca interna medicina, nefrologija s dijalizom, hematologija, endokrinologija i dijabetologija, onkologija \n\nOdjel za ortopediju, traumatologiju i neurokirurgiju \n\nOtorinolaringologija \n\nPalijativna skrb \n\nPatologija i citologija \n\nPedijatrija \n\nPsihijatrija \n\nPulmologija i imunologija \n\nRadiologija \n\nTransfuzijska medicina \n\nUrologija \n\nOdjel za opću i vaskularnu kirurgiju Nemedicinski odjeli i službe opće bolnice Dubrovnik \n\nRavnateljstvo \n\nOdjel za razvoj, medicinsku informatiku, kontrolu kvalitete, kontrolu bolničkih infekcija i rad na tržištu \n\n\r\n Odjel za opće pravne i kadrovske poslove \n\nOdjel ekonomsko-financijskih poslova \n\n\r\nOdjel bolničke kuhinje \n\nOdjel nabave \n\nOdjel za uslužne i tehničke poslove Dobro je znati Otpust pacijenata Publikacija \"Smjernice za prepoznavanje slučajeva diskriminacije\" Zapošljavanje Bodovanje specijalizacije 2019. - Oftalmologija i optometrija Bodovanje specijalizacije 2019. - Internistička onkologija Bodovanje specijalizacije 2019. - Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija Natječaj za zapošljavanje, kolovoz 2019 Odluka o izabranom kandidatu - administrativni službenik, srpanj 2019 Odluka o izabranim kandidatima, srpanj 2019 Natječaj za dodjelu specijalizacija, srpanj 2019 Odluka o izabranim kandidatima za radno mjesto medicinska sestra / tehničar, lipanj 2019 Obavijest kandidatima o provedbi pismenog testiranja za radno mjesto administrativni službenik, lipanj 2019 Odluke o izabranim specijalizantima, svibanj 2019.g.
While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.
Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
Proprietory Content
Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.
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Logo and images portrayed above may be the proprietory content of Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital . All other images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.
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Croatia occpies 56594 km of territory, which is 0.0004% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 127 in the list of largest countries in the world. Croatia is located in Central and Southeast Europe, it has a coastline at the Adriatic Sea.
Local time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025, 13:40:11
at Africa/Dakar
Currency: Croatian Kuna Official Languages: Croatian (hrvatski) Other Languages: Language Codes: fr-SN,wo,fuc,mnk Political System: republic Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 192530.00/4192 Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 581.0/0 GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 1070 Birth per 1000: 35.09 Death per 1000: 8.65
Our trust has over 17,000 staff serving 2 million patients every year. It comprises Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm... Hospital, the Royal Free Hospital, North Middlesex University Hospital and more than 30 services in the community. This larger...
Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) on either the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, or Good Hope... and Solihull Hospital sites. Main duties of the job The role suits doctors who: *Are comfortable working in uncertain...
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Are you a Children's Nurse who believes that no child should be in hospital if care can be provided closer to home...? Then join our Children's Hospital @ Home team and we will support you to develop your acute clinical skills in a community setting...
Base: Redcar Primary Care Hospital and East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital An exciting opportunity has arisen... Care Hospital setting rotating between Redcar Primary Care Hospital (Zetland ward 31 bedded) and East Cleveland Hospital...
We are looking for a Health Care Support Worker to join our nursing team at Ross Community Hospital. We are an 32...-bedded Community Hospital, nestled within the stunning market town of Ross on Wye, Herefordshire . It is a busy, but calm...
range of hospital and community services for people in south London and as well as specialist care for patients from further afield... we also opened a cancer centre and a kidney treatment centre at Queen Mary's Hospital in Sidcup. St Thomas' has one of the largest...
disease in the UK. There are two hubs for renal medicine located at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) and Birmingham... Heartlands Hospital (BHH). We deliver comprehensive renal services across the city as well as regionally, and are committed...
and be professional in their work and be competent in their time keeping. About us MTW is a large acute hospital trust in the south...-east of England. We provide a full range of general hospital services and some aspects of specialist and complex care...
their career. Hospital Pathway And Reablement (Start) Service Staff within our hospital team work closely with NHS colleagues... Hospital Pathways Team, you will conduct assessments, manage complex cases, and provide high standards of care. Our teams...
access to the M25 and M23. About the Service and Team : The Hospital Pathway and Reablement (START) Service is dedicated... to facilitating safe and timely discharges for residents transitioning from hospital to home. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates...
, together. Social Work & Allied Health - Social Work Adults Services Telford - QSW - Hospital Team £34 p/h... & Allied Health - Social Work Adults Services Telford - QSW - Hospital Team £34 p/h Already applied Share: Save...
Operations at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. I am really pleased that you're interested in joining our team... at such a pivotal time for King's. King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is one of the UK's largest and busiest teaching Trusts...
Job Description: Hospital Engineer | Manchester | Flexible hours | Zero-hour contract | £20.51 per hour Spire... Manchester Hospital are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated Engineer to join our established maintenance team on a bank...
. About us Winfield Hospital is one of Gloucestershire's leading private hospitals, with an excellent reputation for delivering high...-quality private hospital treatment. The hospital has been treating patients for over 25 years. Duties and responsibilities...
Hospital (RBH) is a specialist cardiothoracic centre specialising in diseases of the heart and lung, with services for adults...-art Diagnostic Centre opened in January 2022. The Hospital benefits from a joint cardiac and respiratory clinical research...
, enthusiastic and passionate staff nurses who are keen, to develop to join our BHT Intensive care team, based at Wycombe Hospital... Mandeville Hospital. The post holder will be a member of the nursing team caring for critically ill patients in a highly...
within Lancashire County Council's Hospital Discharge Team. This full-time position offers a competitive pay rate of £37 per hour... and re-ablement pathways to promote independence outside of the hospital environment. Conduct assessments to identify...
Locum Dispensary Pharmacist - NHS Hospital Hertfordshire Location: NHS Hospital, Hertfordshire Hourly Rate: £24... an experienced Locum Dispensary Pharmacist to join a NHS hospital team in Hertfordshire. This is an excellent opportunity...
Locum Clinical Pharmacist – NHS Hospital in Northamptonshire Hunter AHP – Band 7 - 8a Hourly Rate: £30 - £37... hospital in Northamptonshire. This is a fantastic opportunity for an individual with experience across acute medical wards...
While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.
Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Opca Bolnica Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik Hospital . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.