Listing Details of 'Rajasthan Hospital (The Gujarate Research and Medical Institute)'

Rajasthan Hospital (The Gujarate Research and Medical Institute)

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Category:  General Hospitals
Address:  Camp Road, Shahibag, Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, 380 004
Subcontinent and Continent:  South Asia , Asia
Country:  India
Phone  079-22866311-12-13
Website:  http://www.rajasthanhospitals.org
Email:  [email protected]
Latitude:  20.593684
Longitude:  78.96288
Zip Code: 
Contact Address: 
Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  20° 35' 37" N
Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  78° 57' 46" E
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 2278508, Easting: 287682, Zone: 44Q
GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 2278508, Easting: 287682, Zone: 44Q
Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 81
Lambert Projection: Northing: 13788826, Easting: 11258155
Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:  0 km away from this Hospital-Rajasthan Hospital (The Gujarate Research and Medical Institute), India

, Nearly 3 kms from the Ahmedabad International Airport and within 5 Kms from the Ahmedabad railway station and state road transport bus stand.

nearly, ahmedabad, international, airport, within, railway, station, state, transport, stand


Rajasthan Hospitals Make An Appointment Your message has been sent. Thank you! First Name Last Name Email Mobile \r\n Submit Close The Gujarat Research & Medical Institute Chatarbhuj Lajpatrai General Hospital IS0 9001-2008 Certified Hospital Take Appointment  +91 9974066000  [email protected] En Hi Gu Home Home About Us Institution Overview Mission & Vision Quality Policy Major Donors Board of Management From the Desk of Chairman Infrastructure Milestones Treatments 24X 7 Casualty (emergency) Cardiology Oncology Physiotherapy ICU Ambulatory Cardiovascular Surgery Onco Hematology(stem cell) Occupational Therapy Internal Medicine Pulmonologist & Allergy Onco Surgery Pain Clinics Intensive Critical Care Orthopedics Nephrology Pathology Lab Gastroenterology Spinal Clinics Kidney Transplantation Radiology Lab Gastroenterology Lab Knee Transplantation Urology Cardiology Tests General Surgery Rheumatology Clinics Dentistry Cardiovascular Lab Obstetrics & Gynaecology Arthroscopy Orthodontist Endoscopy lab Pediatrics Neurology Oral (surgery) Dentistry Neurology Tests Pediatric Surgery Neurology Pediatric Perodontist ENT Tests Occupational Therapy Neuro Surgeries Dermatology (SKIN) Optometry Lab Otolaryngology (ENT) Psychiatry Endocrinology Ayurvedic Audiology & Speech Therapy Psycho Analysis & Psycho Therapy Preventive Health Check-up Homeopathy Ophthalmology De-addiction Clinics De-stress Clinics Vascular Catherisation Lab Retinal Clinics Burns & Plastic Surgery Prosthesis & Rehabilitation (Artificial) Patient Guide Hospital Visit & General Guideline Doctor OPD Availability Time-Table Patient Testimonials Patient Treatments Camp Travel Guide (How to reach Rajasthan Hospital) News & Events In News Institute Events Health Blog Doctor Blog FAQ Medical Research & Education Student Events Student Review Continous Medical Education Programs (CME) Swasthya Setu (In House Magazine) Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) Nursing College Gallery Photo Video Careers Contact Us Select Speciality { Arthroscopy { Audiology and speech therapy { Burns and Plastic Surgery { Cardiology { Cardiovascular surgery { Critical Care { De-addiction clinics { De-stress clinics { Dentistry { Dermatology (SKIN) { Endocrinology { Gastroenterology { Gastroenterology surgery { General  surgery { Hematology { Internal Medicine { Kidney Transplantation { Knee Transplantation { Nephrology { Neuro surgeries { Neurology { Neurology Pediatric { Obstetrics and Gynecology { Occupational Therapy { Onco Hematology (stem cell therapy) { Onco Surgery { Oncology { Ophthalmology { Oral (surgery) Dentistry { Orthodontist { Orthopedics { Otolaryngology (ENT) { Pain clinics { Pediatric surgery { Pediatrics { Perodontist { Physiotherapy { Preventive Health Check-up { Prosthesis and Rehabilitation ( Artificial) { Psychiatry { Psycho analysis and psycho therapy { Pulmonologist & Allergy { Retinal clinics { Rheumatology clinics { Urology Select Doctor { Dr. Adish Doshi { Dr.

Anand Chandak { Dr. Arati Mishra { Dr. Bharat Shah { Dr. Bhupesh D Shah { Dr. Danish Lunker { Dr.

Devendra G Parikh { Dr. Dhiraj Marothi Jain { Dr. Gaurang Gandhi { Dr. Gautam Jain { Dr. Hetal Chowdhary (Jain) { Dr.

Hitesh J Shah { Dr. Jaykumar M Patel { Dr. Jitendra Chawdhary { Dr. K.D.

Tibrewala { Dr. Kairav Shah { Dr. Kalpesh Chhajer { Dr. Kalpesh Panchal { Dr. Kantilal Jain { Dr.

Karnav Panchal { Dr. Kashmira Chhatrapati { Dr. Krishna S Bhotica { Dr. Kuldeep Nahar { Dr. M.

N. Gupta { Dr. M.T.Bhatia { Dr.

Mahendra Naik { Dr. Mahendra P Shah { Dr. Mahendra Parikh { Dr. Meena Sheth { Dr. Milan Jolapara { Dr.

Mithun Shah { Dr. Mohammedfaruk H Memon { Dr. N. Panchotiya { Dr. N.

D. Joshi { Dr. N.D. Khimesra { Dr.

Narendra T Vani { Dr. Nayan Panchotiya { Dr. Niraj Patel { Dr. Nishant Sanghvi { Dr. Nitingiri Goswami { Dr.

Omprakash Modi { Dr. P.K.Dave { Dr. Parth Desai { Dr.

Pratik Shah { Dr. Priya Narang { Dr. R.R.Gupta { Dr.

Rahul Jalan { Dr. Rajeevkumar Bansal { Dr. Rajkumar { Dr. Ranjana D Marothi { Dr. Ravindra Lodha { Dr.

Rekha Dave { Dr. Ritesh S. Patel { Dr. Rupande Patel { Dr. S.

C.Kukreti { Dr. S.S.Ayer { Dr.

Sandip Vaghela { Dr. Sanjay J Vyas { Dr. Seema Jain { Dr. Shalin Shah { Dr. Shilpi S Shah { Dr.

Shrikant Somani { Dr. Siddharth Shah { Dr. Snehal Kothari { Dr. Sudha Nagpal { Dr. Sumit P.

Kumar { Dr. Sunil Sharma { Dr. Tarun Dave { Dr. Tilak Parikh { Dr. Tushar Shah { Dr.

Umang U Rathi { Dr. Vimal Ranka { Dr.Bhavna Patel View Doctor\'s Profile Make an Appointment www.rajasthanhospitals.org Useful links About Us Contact Us Photo Gallery Video Gallery Privacy Policy Useful links Take Appointment Now Download Career Find me a doctor Blog Contact Details Email id: curewithcare@grmi.

org.in\n\nCall us:  +91 9974066000\n\nReach us:\n\nCamp Road, Shahibaug\r\n Ahmedabad - 380004.\r\n Gujarat, India. Take Appointment Now © 2017. Rajasthan Hospitals, All rights reserved Designed & Developed by Qloo IT Solutions LLP  .


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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Rajasthan Hospital (The Gujarate Research and Medical Institute). All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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rajasthan, hospitals, appointment, message, thank, first, email, mobile, submit, close, , gujarat, research, medical, institute, chatarbhuj, lajpatrai, general, hospital, is0 9001-2008 certified hospital, , take appointment,  +91 9974066000,  info, grmiorgin, , about, institution, overview, mission, vision, quality, policy, major, donors, board, management, chairman, infrastructure, milestones, treatments, casualty, emergency, cardiology, oncology, physiotherapy, ambulatory, cardiovascular, surgery, hematologystem, occupational, therapy, internal, medicine, pulmonologist, allergy, clinics, intensive, critical, orthopedics, nephrology, pathology, gastroenterology, spinal, kidney, transplantation, radiology, urology, tests, rheumatology, dentistry, obstetrics, gynaecology, arthroscopy, orthodontist, endoscopy, pediatrics, neurology, surgery, pediatric, perodontist, neuro, surgeries, dermatology, optometry, otolaryngology, psychiatry, endocrinology, ayurvedic, audiology, speech, psycho, analysis, preventive, health, check-up, homeopathy, ophthalmology, de-addiction, de-stress


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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)

Country Population Area Capital/Currency Code
India 1173108018 3287590.0 New Delhi/INR
India occpies 3287263 km of territory, which is 0.023% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 7 in the list of largest countries in the world. Figure includes 120,849 km² of disputed territories with Pakistan and China. Third-largest country in Asia (after Russia and China). EB: 3,166,414 km²

Local time: Sat, 29 Mar 2025, 11:47:45
 at Asia/Kolkata

Currency: Indian Rupee
Official Languages: Hindi, Urdu. English (the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication)
Other Languages: Tamil (oldest language in the World), Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Panjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu.
Language Codes: en-IN,hi,bn,te,mr,ta,ur,gu,kn,ml,or,pa,as,bh,sat,ks,ne,sd,kok,doi,mni,sit,sa,fr,lus,inc
Political System: federal republic
Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 2973193.00/314070
Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 8598.0/0
GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 1570
Birth per 1000: 19.89
Death per 1000: 7.35

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Date & Time Zones in India

UTC/GMT Date Time: Mar 29 2025 05:54:17

  • UTC+05:30 (IST)
  • Hospital Jobs

    Sat, 29 Mar 2025 05:09:30 GMT

    Executive.CRM.MIMS Hospital Kottakkal

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Thu, 27 Mar 2025 06:56:33 GMT

    Associate.CRM.MIMS Hospital Kottakkal

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Sat, 22 Mar 2025 08:06:44 GMT

    Technician.Critical Care.Aster RV Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Sat, 22 Mar 2025 02:17:52 GMT

    Pharmacist.Pharmacy.Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Tue, 18 Mar 2025 03:45:35 GMT

    Executive.Operations.MIMS Hospital Calicut

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:22:04 GMT

    Executive.CRM.MIMS Hospital Kottakkal

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Sat, 15 Mar 2025 06:50:24 GMT

    Pharmacist.Pharmacy.Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

    Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:20:15 GMT

    Pharmacist.Pharmacy.Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore

    spread across Kerala (5 hospitals) with our flagship Aster Medcity Hospital at Kochi, Bangalore (2 hospitals Aster CMI... ( under Aster Ramesh Hospital 2 in Vijayawada, 1 in Guntur and 1 in Ongole). Most of our hospitals are NABH accredited with Medcity...

    Aster Hospital

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    While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


    Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Rajasthan Hospital (The Gujarate Research and Medical Institute) sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

    Proprietory Content

    Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Rajasthan Hospital (The Gujarate Research and Medical Institute). All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.