Listing Details of 'Shaab Medical Center '

Shaab Medical Center

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Category:  General Hospitals
Subcontinent and Continent:  Middle East , Asia
Country:  Kuwait
Website:  http://www.shaabmc.com
Email:  [email protected]
Latitude:  29.31166
Longitude:  47.481766
Zip Code: 
Contact Address: 
Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  29° 18' 41" N
Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  47° 28' 54" E
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 3245072, Easting: 741034, Zone: 38R
GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 3245072, Easting: 741034, Zone: 38R
Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 45
Lambert Projection: Northing: 10428164, Easting: 11383970
Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:  0 km away from this Hospital-Shaab Medical Center , Kuwait



Al-Shaab Medical Center Toggle navigation Toggle navigation Home About Us Gallery Medical Services Doctors offers Contact Us English العربية 1886060 [email protected] Why Choose Us Great Infrastructure\n\nThe center consists of 9 floors of a lobby and a basement very well architectured, designed and furnished. It also contains 3 days case operating rooms well equipped with a very high technology and two post operative rooms for patient after surgery. Qualified Doctors\n\nShaab Medical Center has a reputation for providing quality health care. Our endeavour is to render an unparalleled standard of healthcare through our collaborative approach for patients.

We have our physicians ranked among Kuwait’s top doctors. Emergency Departments\n\nThe emergency room is working around the clock for receiving surgical and medical patients and it’s equipped by four beds with the latest monitoring and cardiac machines and run by very fine casualty physicians supervised by the center consultants of different specialties. Welcome to SHAAB Medical Center...

( We Care About your health ) View Gallery Laboratory \n\nHigh medical laboratory technologists using up to date and high technology equipments. Laboratory ministration: All clinical laboratory tests and hormones, Open 24 hours daily. Operation Theatre \n\nThere exist 3 operating rooms for single day surgery equipped with the latest anesthesia monitory equipment, for the anesthetist to be fully capable of safe and excellent care with the use of most up to date anesthesia and biometric equipment, also excellent set of ventilators, cardiac monitoring and stimulation and suction, this is under supervision of highly qualified anesthesia consultant and register assisted by anesthesia nurses with long experience. Emergency Room The emergency room is working around the clock for receiving surgical and medical patients and it’s equipped by four beds with the latest monitoring and cardiac machines and run by very fine casualty physicians supervised by the center consultants of different specialties.\n\n A specially equipped ambulance will be always ready for transferring patients to public or private hospitals.

Pharmacy Where exist unitary accessory with the center outfitter in all the medicine and there beautification partition.\n\n And there are three specialist pharmacists in the pharmacy knowledge and working on 24 hours. Medical Services Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology Supervised by:Dr. Musaad E. Al-Asfoor\n\nConsultant of Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology.

\n\nAmerican and Canadian Board of Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology.\n\nFellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.\n\nFellow of American college of Physicians& Gastroenterology. \n\n Ophthalmology Supervised by: Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmi MD\n\nFellowship Royal College of Surgeon Glascow Scotland\n\nConsultant Ophthalmic Surgeon.

\n\nConsultant in Retina and Vitreous diseases.\n\nHonorary Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology - London \n\n Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Supervised by: Dr. Abdel-Mohsen Abou Eldahab\n\nFacial Aesthetics.\n\nBreast Augmentation & Reduction.\n\nLiposuction.

\n\nAbdominoplasty. \n\n Urology Supervised by: Dr. Mamdouh Othman\n\nManagement of impotence.\n\nDiagnosis & treatment of male infertilly.\n\nManagement of stones of the urinary.

\n\nEndoscopy of the Urogenital tract.\n\nEndoscopic resection of the prostate & bladder tumors \n\n Dental Supervised by: Dr. EMAD AL-KHATER\n\nConsultant in Prosthodontics & Oral implantology \n\n Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility Supervised by: Dr. Hani Al-Okda\n\nF.R.

C.O.G.-London\n\nEndoscopic resection of the prostate & bladder tumors\n\nJohn Hopkins UN. USA\n\nConsultant Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility \n\n Paediatrician Supervised by: Dr.

Amal M. Shamma\n\nAdvisory Pediatrics - American Board of Pediatrics\n\nThe unit provides the following services.\n\n- Follow-up of children from birth to age adolescence...

\n\n Radiology Supervised by: Dr. Mohammed Hawaray\n\nThe unit offers the followings:\n\n Plain x-ray.\n\n Ultrasonography.\n\n Co lour Doppler {For Vascular Studies}.\n\nPanorama {Dental} \n\n Dermatology & Venereology Supervised by: Dr.

Mai Sherif\n\n Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.\n\n Laser Hair Removal reduction.\n\n Botox for wrinkles and excessive sweating.\n\n Fillers for cheek and lip augmentation and filling deep wrikles.\n\n Mesotherapy.

\n\n Spectra Laser.\n\n Fraxel Laser.\n\n Platelet-rich Plasma ( PRP ).\n\n Injection Lipolysis.\n\n Scar revision.

\n\n Peeling ( Chemical & Crystal ).\n\n Electrocautery.\n\n Cryosurgery. \n\n Rheumatologist Supervised by: Dr. Faisal Bader Al-Saqabi\n\nConsultant Rheumatologist\n\n Treatment of cervical and low back pain.

\n\n Treatment of Rheumatoid arthrihs.\n\n Treatment of lupus.\n\n Treatment of scleroderma.\n\n Injection of all types of joints.\n\n Follow-up all Rheumatology patient during pregnancy.

\n\n ENT Unit Treatment of nasal allergy.\n\n Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy.\n\n Treatment of snoring.\n\n Endoscopic Sinus surgery.\n\n Microscopic ear surgery.

\n\n Treatment of vertigo & Dizzihess.\n\n Hearing test & Tympamometey. \n\n General Surgical Supervised by: Dr. Ahmed Sharhan\n\n Early detection and screening of breast tumors .\n\n Surgical treatment of benign and malignant breast tumors .

\n\n Surgical treatment of thyroid gland diseases and head & neck Surgery .\n\n Surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal and colonic disease .\n\n Laparoscopic surgery ( cholecystectomy, hernial repair, appendicectomy, varicocele, diaphragmatic hernia, reflux oesophagitis ).\n\n Hepato – biliary surgery :-\n\n- hepatic resection of liver tumors.\n\n- Ore operative preparation, liver transplant surgery, and postoperative follow-up in collaboration with medical centers at USA .

\n\n Anal surgery ( fissure, piles, fistula, pilonidal sinus ).\n\n Pediatric surgery ( Circumcision, Hernia repair, undescended testis, Hydrocele ).\n\n Vascular surgery ( Varicose vein, leg ulcer, diabetic foot infection ).\n\n Hernia repair ( Umbilical, Para umbilical, ingunal and incisional hernia ).\n\n Surgery of morbid obesty ( Gastric balloon, Gastric Banding and abdominoplasty ).

\n\n Cardiovascular Unit cardiovascular supervision.\n\nHighly advanced colored echo Doppler machine for\n\n- adult echocardiography.\n\n- pediatric echocardiography.\n\n- stress echocardiography.\n\n- tissue Doppler imaging.

\n\n- transeosophegeal echocardiography.\n\nHighly advanced duplex scanning machine for diagnosis of:\n\nAcute deep vein thrombosis.\n\nVaricose veins and perforator incompetence.\n\nPeripheral arterial atherosclerosis and thrombosis.\n\nCarotid artery atherosclerosis.

\n\n- Renal artery stenosis .\n\n- Renal artery stenosis .\n\n Treadmill exercise stress test for diagnosis of all types of ischemic heart diseases .\n\nCheck up for any risk factors abnormality for coronary, cerebral, and peripheral arterial diseases and their control. \n\n IVF Supervised by: Dr.

Shafik Saleh\n\nManagement of all Gynecological cases of plastic surgery, Laparoscopy, all cases of fibroid, all problems of puberty and menopause. \n\n Emergency Room Supervised by: Dr. Sherbini Ali Abdullah\n\n \n\n Laboratory The Clinical Laboratory works around the clock to provide Accurate and Timely Testing of Biological Specimens to Aid in the Diagnosis, Evaluation and Treatment of Diseases.\n\nThe laboratory is Equipped with the Latest Technology for Quick and Precise Testing \n\n About Us \n\n Shaab Medical Center have the pleasure to offer you all the best and extinguished services with the high quality and level of technical, medical experience and high tech. Equipment.

The center consists of 9 floors of a lobby and abasement very well architectured, designed and furnished. The center contains 3 days case operating rooms well equipped with a very high technology and two post operative rooms for patient after surgery Shaab Medical Center have the pleasure to offer you all the best and extinguished services with the high quality and level of technical, medical experience and high tech. Meet Our Doctors Dr. Musaad E. Al-Asfoor Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology Dr.

Mubarak Al-Ajmi Opthalmology Dr. Mai Sherif Dermatology Dr. Abdul Mohsin Plastic Surgery Dr. Shafiq Saleh Ivf Dr. Amal Shamma Pediatric Dr.

Emad Khater Dental Dr. Hani Al-Okda Obs & Gyn Dr. Mamdouh Othman Urology Dr. Mohammed Hawaray Radiology Dr. Sherbini Abdullah Emergency Contact Us 1 88 60 60 info@shaabmc.

com Address Al Shaab Al-Bahri \r\nArea 8 – Al Esteqlal st P.O.Box: 525 - Safat – Code 13016 – Kuwait Go Social \n\nCopyright 2015 shaabmc | All Rights Reserved | Designed & developed by Qutbidzigns.com .

While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Shaab Medical Center sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

Proprietory Content

Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Shaab Medical Center . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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al-shaab, medical, center, toggle, navigation, about, gallery, services, doctors, offers, contact, english, العربية, 0, contact, shaabmccom, choose, great, infrastructure\n\nthe, center, consists, floors, lobby, basement, architectured, designed, furnished, contains, operating, rooms, equipped, technology, operative, patient, after, surgery, qualified, doctors\n\nshaab, reputation, providing, quality, health, endeavour, render, unparalleled, standard, healthcare, through, collaborative, approach, patients, physicians, ranked, among, kuwait’s, doctors, emergency, departments\n\nthe, emergency, working, around, clock, receiving, surgical, medical, it’s, latest, monitoring, cardiac, machines, casualty, supervised, consultants, different, specialties, welcome, shaab, laboratory, \n\nhigh, laboratory, technologists, using, equipments, ministration, clinical, tests, hormones, hours, daily, , operation, theatre, \n\nthere, exist, single, anesthesia, monitory, equipment, anesthetist, fully


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Logo and images portrayed above may be the proprietory content of Shaab Medical Center . All other images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)

Country Population Area Capital/Currency Code
Kuwait 2789132 17820.0 Kuwait City/KWD
Kuwait occpies 17818 km of territory, which is 0.0001% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 157 in the list of largest countries in the world. Small country on the Arabian Peninsula bordering the Persian Gulf.

Local time: Wed, 26 Mar 2025, 17:35:43
 at Asia/Kuwait

Currency: Kuwaiti Dinar
Official Languages: Arabic (Arabiyya)
Other Languages: English widely spoken.
Language Codes: ar-KW,en
Political System: constitutional emirate
Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 17818.00/
Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 306.0/0
GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 44940
Birth per 1000: 20.26
Death per 1000: 2.16

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Date & Time Zones in Kuwait

UTC/GMT Date Time: Mar 26 2025 14:28:51

  • UTC+03:00 (Arabia Standard Time)
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    Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Shaab Medical Center . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.