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Details of 'Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti '
Mulispeciality Hospitals Subcontinent and Continent:
Eastern Europe ,
Europe Country:
Romania Phone Website: City:
Ploiești State:
Prahova Email:[email protected] Latitude:
44.9406899 Longitude:
26.02328 Zip Code:
100028 Contact Address:
Ploiești, România Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
44° 56' 26" N Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:
26° 1' 23" E UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 4976825, Easting: 422940, Zone: 35T GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 4976825, Easting: 422940, Zone: 35T Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: 27 Lambert Projection: Northing: 8429581, Easting: 9769951 Browser/Visitor at , United States is:
0 km away from this Hospital-Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti , Romania
Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti Realizat de Teamnet Dedalus, Despre Localizare si acces Structura organizatorica Prezentare spital Management Informații economice și statistice Parteneriate Programe Nationale de Sanatate Regulamente de organizare si functionare Aparatură medicală COVID-19 Pacienti Ambulatoriu de specialitate Ghidul pacientului Utile Specialitati A.T.I.
I Anatomie Patologica Boli Infectioase - Adulti Boli Infectioase - Copii Cabinet Antirabic Cabinet Boli Infectioase Cabinet Medicină Sportivă Cabinet Planificare Familială Cardiologie Centrul de Sănătate Mintală Chirurgie Generala I Chirurgie Generala II Chirurgie Orală și Maxilo Facială Chirurgie Plastica, Microchirurgie Reconstructiva si Arsi Compartiment A.T.I. II Compartiment Chirurgie Vasculara Compartiment Dermatovenerologie Compartiment Endocrinologie Compartiment Hematologie Compartiment Obstetrică-Ginecologie Compartiment Pediatrie Diabet Zaharat, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice Dispensar TBC Epidemiologie Farmacie Gastroenterologie Hemodializă Laborator Angiografie și Cardiologie Intervențională Laborator de Analize Medicale Laborator Tomograf Medicina Interna I Medicina Interna II Nefrologie Neurochirurgie Neurologie O.R.
L. Oftalmologie Oncologie Ortopedie si Traumatologie Pneumologie Psihiatrie Radiologie și Imagistică Medicală SPIAM UPU Radiologie UPU SMURD UPU Stomatologie Urologie Medici Investigatii Laborator Imagistica Anunturi Concursuri Comunicate de presa Anunțuri de selecție Evenimente Link-uri utile Apel 112 Contact Contul meu Cauta Despre Localizare si acces Structura organizatorica Prezentare spital Management Informații economice și statistice Parteneriate Programe Nationale de Sanatate Regulamente de organizare si functionare Aparatură medicală COVID-19 Pacienti Ambulatoriu de specialitate Ghidul pacientului Utile Specialitati A.T.I. I Anatomie Patologica Boli Infectioase - Adulti Boli Infectioase - Copii Cabinet Antirabic Cabinet Boli Infectioase Cabinet Medicină Sportivă Cabinet Planificare Familială Cardiologie Centrul de Sănătate Mintală Chirurgie Generala I Chirurgie Generala II Chirurgie Orală și Maxilo Facială Chirurgie Plastica, Microchirurgie Reconstructiva si Arsi Compartiment A.
T.I. II Compartiment Chirurgie Vasculara Compartiment Dermatovenerologie Compartiment Endocrinologie Compartiment Hematologie Compartiment Obstetrică-Ginecologie Compartiment Pediatrie Diabet Zaharat, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice Dispensar TBC Epidemiologie Farmacie Gastroenterologie Hemodializă Laborator Angiografie și Cardiologie Intervențională Laborator de Analize Medicale Laborator Tomograf Medicina Interna I Medicina Interna II Nefrologie Neurochirurgie Neurologie O.R.L.
Oftalmologie Oncologie Ortopedie si Traumatologie Pneumologie Psihiatrie Radiologie și Imagistică Medicală SPIAM UPU Radiologie UPU SMURD UPU Stomatologie Urologie Medici Investigatii Laborator Imagistica Anunturi Concursuri Comunicate de presa Anunțuri de selecție Evenimente Link-uri utile Apel 112 Contact Contul meu Cauta
0244-53.77.11\n\nCENTRALA SPITAL Informații importante pentru aparținători\n\nInformații importante pentru aparținătorii pacienților internați în Spitalul Județean de Urgență Ploiești mai multe Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti Pasiune pentru medicina\n\nCea mai mare unitate sanitara din judetul Prahova, singurul spital pe o raza \r\nde 60 km care asigura asistenta medicala 24 ore din 24 si\r\nare linie de garda continua pentru investigatii de laborator si radioimagistica. mai multe Donații\n\nIn urma campaniei de donații/sponsorizări demarate pentru completarea\n\nnecesarului de echipamente de protecție și aparatură medicală, dorim să  \n\nmulțumim tuturor celor care s-au implicat în această acțiune.\r\n\r\n mai multe Declaratia privind implementarea sistemului de management al calitatii\n\nDeclaratia managerului SJU Ploiesti privind implementarea sistemului de management al calitatii mai multe Politica de confidentialitate/GDPR\n\nÎn calitate de operator de date cu caracter personal, Spitalul Județean de Urgență Ploiești\n\nare următoarea Politică privind confidențialitatea, valabilă începând cu data de 25 mai 2018.
mai multe PESTE 65.000 DE PACIENTI INTERNATI in anul 2019 in Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti\n\n - regim continuu si de zi PESTE 800.000 DE LOCUITORI din judetul Prahova si imprejurimi beneficiaza de serviciile oferite prin intermediul spitalului Peste 160.000 de consultatii au fost acordate in 2019 in Camera de Garda si Unitatea de Primiri Urgente Informatii utile \n\nLocatii Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta din Ploiesti are patru locatii: LOCAÅ¢IA NORD din Str. Gageni, nr.
100, LOCAÅ¢IA BOLDESCU din Str. Boldescu, nr. 3, LOCAÅ¢IA BUNA-VESTIRE din Str. Buna Vestire, nr. 1-3 si LOCAÅ¢IA OBOR \n\nPiata Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti deserveste intr-un procent covarsitor populatia judetului Prahova, dupa cum se vede in tabelul nr.
1. Dupa Prahova cele mai importante solicitari provin de la pacientii judetelor limitrofe. \n\nPrezentare Spital Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta din Ploiesti este cea mai mare si cea mai importanta unitate medicala din judetul Prahova, judet care este situat in partea central-sud-estica a Romaniei, in zona central-nordica a Munteniei. mai multe \n\nServicii medicale de specialitate Pacienții pot beneficia de asistență medicală, în regim de spitalizare continuă, spitalizare de zi și ambulatoriu. În caz de urgență, pacienții pot apela oricând la serviciile oferite de Unitatea de Primiri Urgențe.
mai multe \n\nSpecialități medicale Pacienții pot beneficia de asistență medicală complexă și profesionistă într-o multitudine de specialități mai multe \n\nInvestigații medicale Spitalul Judetean Ploiesti pune la dispozitia pacientilor toate dotarile necesare parcurgerii unui proces complet de tratament. mai multe \n\nCovid-19 Stiri oficiale Informați-vă doar din canalele media oficiale și verificați informațiile de fiecare dată. mai multe \n\nMeniuri pe regimuri alimentare Meniurile pe regimuri alimentare de care beneficiază pacienții Spitalului Județean de Urgență Ploiești mai multe 0244-53.77.11\n\nCentrala SJUP 0244-89.
22.55\n\nUPU INFORMATII ACCES IN CONT PACIENT MEDIC \n\nFii la curent cu sfaturi si noutati \r\n Adresa de mail* \r\n .
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.
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Capital/Currency Code
Romania occpies 238391 km of territory, which is 0.0016% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 82 in the list of largest countries in the world. Central eastern European country with a coastline at the Black Sea.
Local time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025, 20:20:22
at Europe/Bucharest
Currency: Leu Official Languages: Romanian (romana) Other Languages: Hungarian, German Language Codes: ro,hu,rom Political System: republic Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 229891.00/8500 Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 2544.0/0 GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 9060 Birth per 1000: 9.27 Death per 1000: 11.88
Job Description Adult's Hospital Social Worker, West Midlands Pay rates £32-38 per hour Contract role, Princess... Royal Hospital and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Pertemps are recruiting for experienced Adult's Social Workers in the West...
highly motivated Registered Nurses to work within Unscheduled Careon ward 3/2 Nevill Hall Hospital. We specialise in Frailty... quality hospital care when needed. Join us on our journey to pioneer new ways of working and deliver a world-class healthcare...
with a proven track record supporting acutely unwell medical and surgical patients, to work in the Virtual Hospital in West Essex... admissions to hospital and by supporting them to leave hospital earlier to continue their treatment at home. This includes the...
Partnership Trust are looking to recruited a Speciality Doctor to work on our Acute Care ward in Bowmere Hospital, Chester. The... post is of specialty doctor to work across 2 Acute Care wards in Bowmere Hospital, Chester. The doctor appointed...
Hospital as a Facilities Operative working within Retail Services. The posts we have available are: Post 1 - 16 hours... and promote care closer to home as well as high quality hospital care when needed. This includes the Grange University Hospital...
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Job Description Bank Housekeeping Assistant – Rowley Hall Hospital - Bank Hours We are currently looking to recruit.... Where you’ll be based Rowley Hall Hospital is one of Staffordshire's leading private hospitals located in a Georgian listed...
in a hygienic and methodical manner and that standards of cleanliness throughout the hospital are in line with our policies... About us Rowley Hall Hospital is one of Staffordshire's leading private hospitals, part of Ramsay Health Care UK, one of the leading...
An Excellent opportunity has arisen within Hambleton and Richmondshire Urgent Community Response (UCR) and Hospital... at home Virtual ward Service. We are looking for skilled and outstanding nurse to join our UCR and hospital at home service...
2 Posts are Available - Consultant Anaesthetist based at Darlington Memorial Hospital, County Durham and Darlington NHS... hospital services from two acute sites - Darlington Memorial Hospital and University Hospital of North Durham. We have a centre...
job The Acute medical Unit in Nevill Hall Hospital are looking for an enthusiastic Registered Nurse to join our friendly team... closer to home as well as high quality hospital care when needed. This includes the Grange University Hospital which provides...
to work in the Therapies Team at Farnham Road Hospital. The post offers a diverse range of experience working with people... to discharge and supporting people to have an independent and personally meaningful life outside of hospital. Expect your day...
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital and Solihull Hospital. This post represents a new... at Heartlands Hospital, as part of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust. The post on offer is for 1 year, with a view...
Communications Manager based in the Prince Charles Hospital and surrounding area to join our Digital team at CTMUHB....You will be responsible for leading on the voice and data networking services at the Prince Charles Hospital and surrounding sites, supporting...
with hospital experience to join their team as soon as possible (February 2025 start). This is an excellent opportunity... - Up to 6 months! The ideal candidate will have experience in hospital pharmacy, preferably in a ward-based setting...
Job Description Adult's Social Worker, Hospital Team, St Helens Pay rate - to £33 per hour Contract role, Hospital... Team Pertemps are recruiting for experienced Adult's Social Worker in Merseyside. This is to work in a Hospital Team...
support workers and health care professionals Person Specification Qualifications Essential Pre hospital or emergency... Support Qualification RCUK Course Director / Tutor Experience Essential Emergency care or pre hospital care experience...
is a 50/50 split between Emergency Medicine at Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Lincs & Notts Air.... About us Please refer to the attached job description for further information on Northern General Hospital and Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance...
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Rotherham, South Yorkshire
While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.
Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.
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Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Ploiesti . All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.