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0 km away from this Hospital-Trad Hospital&Medical Centre, Lebanon
Trad Hospital User Login: Laboratory Results Home About Us The Hospital The Physicians Specialties Maternity Clinic Contact Us Welcome to our hospital Built on values of tradition \n\nFounded in 1940 by the late Dr. Fouad Trad - one of the first obstetrician-gynecologists in Beirut, the institution quickly gained notoriety locally as well as regionally. Today, Trad Hospital is...
For an appointment\r\nwith a Physician Select a Specialty Anesthesia Cardiovascular Disease / Cardiology Dentistry Dermatology Endocrinology and Metabolism ENT-Otolaryngology Family Medicine Gastroenterology General Practice / Internal Medicine General Surgery Hand surgery Infectious Diseases Infertility Interventional Radiology Laboratory Maxillofacial Surgery Neonatology Neurological Surgery Neurology Nutrition Obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pediatrics Plastic Surgery Pneumology Psychiatry Psychotherapy Radiology Rheumatology Urology Vascular surgery \n\nDr Trad\'s Method of Painless Childbirth English \n\nDr Trad\'s Method of Painless Childbirth French \n\nTHE PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH METHOD Testimonial \n\nTRAD HOSPITAL Rêves et réalité [Affiliation] USJ et l\'Hôpital Trad 11.Jul.2014 Read more [Inauguration] Fruit d\'une conception tout à fait originale 06.Jan.2014 Read more [Affiliation] George Washington University MC and Trad Hospital and MC 10.
Sep.2004 Read more Home News FAQ Careers Laboratory Results Contact Us 53, Mexique St. Clemenceau\r\nP.O.Box: 113-6431\r\nBeirut, Lebanon Tel +961 1 369494 / 5 Fax +961 1 361663 Email [email protected] Affiliation read more Affiliation On September 10th, a Gala Dinner was held at the Hotel Phoenicia on the occasion of the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.
C., and our institution, Trad Hospital and Medical Center in Beirut.\n\nThe Memorandum of Understanding signed on this occasion will serve as the roadmap for a wide range of collaborative efforts. These include:\r\n- The exchange of visiting faculty for teaching and research\r\n- Access for qualified medical students planning to pursue their international clinical electives\r\n- Mutual cooperation in the field of breast diseases, ear-nose-throat (cochlear implantation), obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics (navigational systems) through planning and development of joint conferences and seminars of mutual interest, training programs, program planning, and the development of technology of the above clinical areas\r\n- The promotion and exchange of scholarly publications and other materials\r\n- The development of substantive educational and research programs and conferences, seminars on topics of mutual interest and to encourage and strengthen communication and cooperation between members of both institutions\n\nThe MOU was signed by Dr. Stanley Knoll, MD, FACS, \"Clinical Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery and Medical Director, International Medicine Programs\" and Ms.
Huda M. Ayas, \"Executive Director, International Medicine Programs, Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health and Health Service\", representing Dr. John F. Williams, MD, EdD, \"Provost and Vice-President for Health Affairs\" at the University of George Washington. Dr.
Sami Trad, Chairman General Manager, and Dr. Karim Trad, Medical Director, signed on behalf of Trad Hospital.\r\n\"This is this kind of mutual collaboration that can only enhance the research, education and clinical care goals of our respective institutions,\" said Dr. John F. Williams, provost and vice president for Health Affairs at GW, in a message prepared for the signing ceremony.
\"An exchange like this one will ensure that the entire country of Lebanon benefits from the value of the partnership.\"\n\nDr. Williams singled out the efforts of Trad Hospital Medical Director Dr. Karim Trad in making the collaboration possible. After completing a residency in general surgery at GW in the 1980\'s, Dr.
Trad returned to GW as an assistant professor of surgery and director of endoscopic surgery in 1992. He moved to Lebanon three years later to become medical director at Trad Hospital; he remains a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at GW.\n\nDr. Sami Trad, Chairman and General Manager of Trad Hospital and Medical Center, reminded in his speech at the signing ceremony that Trad Hospital was founded in 1940 as a one floor maternity hospital . It was later expanded to cover a wide range of specialties in a multistoried building complex which still features carefully preserved traditional architecture .
Today the Hospital stretches over 9000 M2 housing 70 beds and a Medical Center well equipped with a cutting edge modern medical environment.\n\n\"This agreement is a major stepping stone in Trad Hospital\'s ongoing pursuit to deliver high quality medical care\" said Dr. Karim Trad in his speech. \"We feel particularly proud and fortunate, especially that GW, through its International Medicine Programs, has been extremely successful in establishing similar collaborative efforts worldwide\".\n\nThe dinner grouped around the representatives of George Washington University and Trad Hospital, prominent members from Beiruts\' Medical and Academic Communities and was honored by the presence of His Excellency Mr.
Jeffrey Feltman, Ambassador of the United States, who wished to be a witness of the signature. Mr. Feltman delivered on this occasion, a big speech stressing the importance of this partnership, which beyond its pure medical benefit to Trad Hospital and the whole country, will no doubt reinforce the long standing tradition of friendship and collaboration between the USA and the Lebanese people.\n\n\r\n Affiliation read more Affiliation Entre Le Professeur Salim Daccache s.j.
\r\nRécteur\n\nEt Le Docteur Sami Trad\r\nChairman de l\'Hopital Trad\n\nDésireux de contribuer à promouvoir la collaboration scientifique et pédagogique sur la base des relations d\'amitié qui unissent les deux institutions, l\'Université Saint-Joseph, représentée par son recteur, le Pr. Salim Daccache s.j, et l\'Hôpital Trad, ont conclu une convention de coopération scientifique et pédagogique. La convention a été signée par le Pr. Daccache et le Dr.
Sami Trad à la Villa Sursock, en présence du Pr. Roland Tomb, doyen de la faculté de médecine de l\'USJ. \r\nDans un mot de circonstance, le Dr. Trad a affirmé que l\'affiliation avec l\'USJ « représente pour l\'Hôpital Trad une nouvelle étape dans notre marche vers une institution toujours plus performante, et surtout vers sa consolidation dans le temps». \r\nPour sa part, le Pr.
Daccache a remarqué que «les institutions sans les hommes n\'ont ni âme ni volonté. Aujourd\'hui, c\'est grâce à la conjonction de volontés clairvoyantes et décidées, sages et engagées que cet accord a vu le jour ». \r\n Agreement read more Agreement La Caisse des Français de l\'Etranger est une structure originale spécialement créée pour les Français résidant à l\'étranger. Elle leur permet d\'avoir, quelle que soit leur situation, la même sécurité sociale qu\'en France à des tarifs très compétitifs. \r\nLes salariés, peuvent en plus, bénéficier d\'une couverture accident du travail et cotiser pour leur retraite Sécurité sociale.
\r\nL\'adhésion à la CFE se fait individuellement ou par le biais de l\'employeur.\n\n- l\'Admission à l\'Hôpital \r\n[Formalités]\r\nAprès décision de votre médecin traitant, vous avez choisi l\'Hôpital TRAD pour une intervention médicale\r\nPour faciliter vos démarches d\'admission et pour que votre séjour se déroule sans surprise, nous vous recommandons de prendre contact avec le service administratif de l\'hôpital pour connaître la date possible de votre intervention. Cette démarche est souvent faite par votre médecin traitant.\n\n- Instructions aux patients C.F.
E.\r\nLe patient doit se présenter à l\'Admission de l\'Hôpital TRAD au moins 48 heures avant la date d\'hospitalisation, muni d\'un rapport du médecin traitant, de sa carte d\'identité comportant une photo et de son numéro d\'immatriculation à la C.F.E. (numéro de sécurité sociale).
L\'Hôpital se charge alors d\'envoyer par fax la demande de prise en charge. Dès que la C.F.E. faxe son accord, le patient en est avisé et peut être admis à l\'Hôpital.
\r\nDans les cas urgents, le patient sera d\'abord admis à l\'Hôpital et la demande de prise en charge sera envoyée à la C.F.E. après son admission.\n\n \n\nVisit www. for more information\n\n\r\n .
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Lebanon occpies 10400 km of territory, which is <0.01%% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 168 in the list of largest countries in the world. Lebanon, a sovereign country situated north of Israel, with a coastline on the Mediterranean sea.
Local time: Wed, 26 Mar 2025, 17:34:33
at Asia/Beirut
Currency: Lebanese Pound Official Languages: Arabic (Arabiyya) Other Languages: French, English, Armenian Language Codes: ar-LB,fr-LB,en,hy Political System: republic Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 10230.00/170 Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 3088.0/0 GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 9870 Birth per 1000: 14.80 Death per 1000: 4.95
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Social Worker - Hospital Discharge Team We are seeking a dedicated Social Worker to join Shropshire Council...'s Hospital Discharge team, based at Princess Royal Hospital and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. This role offers £38 per hour...
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Role: Hospital Director Salary: £62,000 Location: Catford Apply by: Immediately If you are an experienced... Hospital Director or senior clinician with a strong background in leading high performing teams, looking for a new opportunity...
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Maintenance Assistant based at the Grange University Hospital. We are seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals... as high quality hospital care when needed. Join us on our journey to pioneer new ways of working and deliver a world-class...
. Previous hospital experience is desirable. Applicants advised to read the job description fully and to provide... comprises Aintree University Hospital, Broadgreen Hospital & Royal Liverpool University Hospital. We are part of NHS...
Job Description Adult's Social Worker, Hospital Team, Wiltshire Pay rate £35 per hour Contract role, Hospital Team... Pertemps are recruiting for an experienced Adult's Social Worker in Wiltshire This is to work within a Hospital Team...
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