Martina Hansens Hospital

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  Martina Hansens Hospital
Martina Hansens Hospital is an entity in Norway
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Norway releases Russian-crewed ship after cable damage
Norwegian police said on Friday they had seized a Norwegian-owned ship at Latvia's request over its suspected involvement in damage done to a Baltic Sea cable.

Norway eurosceptics collapse coalition government over green energy row
Norway’s government collapsed on Thursday after the eurosceptic Centre party left the ruling two-party coalition in a row over adopting EU green energy laws. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, the finance ...

Chaos in Norway as government collapses in huge row over EU
Chaos has erupted in a Scandinavian country as its government collapses amid a row over the EU. Norway’s administration imploded on Thursday after its eurosceptic Centre party left the ruling ...

Blackout Britain threat rises on collapse of Norwegian government
Britain risks being left more vulnerable to blackouts as a political row in Norway over power exports escalates ...

Euroskeptic party quits Norway’s government, almost half of cabinet departs
OSLO – Norway’s euroskeptic Centre Party quit the government on Thursday in a dispute over the adoption of European Union energy policies, leaving the centre-left Labour Party to rule alone eight ...