Clinica de Cardiologie Ascar Clinica de Cardiologie a Spitalului Municipal Timisoara

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  Clinica de Cardiologie Ascar Clinica de Cardiologie a Spitalului Municipal Timisoara
Clinica de Cardiologie Ascar Clinica de Cardiologie a Spitalului Municipal Timisoara is an entity in Romania
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Romanian museum considers legal action after ‘priceless’ golden objects stolen in Netherlands heist
The items—which include a helmet discovered by playing children—belonged to members of the lost Dacian civilisation ...

An overview of the media in Romania, as well as links to broadcasters and newspapers. Provides an overview of Romania, including key dates and facts about this European country. Romania's election ...

Dutch police arrest three suspects after the theft of a priceless golden helmet from Romania
BRUSSELS (AP) — Dutch authorities on Wednesday arrested three suspects after the theft of a priceless ancient golden helmet that is considered a cultural icon of Romania and had been on display in a ...