National Eye Hospital Medical Center in Tokyo

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National Eye Hospital Medical Center in Tokyo is an entity in Japan
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Japan asks for exemption from Trump steel and aluminum tariffs
Officials in Tokyo said the government will closely examine the impact of U.S. tariff measures on Japanese companies and will take necessary actions.

Japan's trade deficit for digital services rose to record ¥6.6 trillion in 2024
Japan's digital trade deficit is expected to reach ¥10 trillion in 2030, roughly equivalent to its crude oil imports in 2024.

Japanese PM apologizes for nuclear waste comments media
Japanese newspapers Mainichi and Nikkan reported on Monday. Moscow and Tokyo have been in a long-standing territorial dispute over four Kuril Islands, known in Japan as the Northern Territories, which ...

Japan tracks Russian spy ship near its southern islands for over a week
On Nov. 11, a Yasen-class nuclear-powered submarine passed through the Soya Strait, which separates Japan’s northernmost main island, Hokkaido, and Russia’s Sakhalin Island. The submarine, accompanied ...

Sale of veteran VLCC helps Japan’s Kyoei Tanker log huge profit jump
Japan’s Kyoei Tanker has posted a huge jump in earnings following the sale of an elderly VLCC in 2024. Net profit for the nine months to 31 March was ¥4.9bn ($32.2m), up from just ¥16m a year ago.