KK Women's & Children's Hospital

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KK Women's & Children's Hospital is an entity in Singapore
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Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia conduct joint exercise to strengthen oil spill response
SINGAPORE: Government-related agencies and departments from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia conducted a joint table-top exercise (TTX) on Tuesday (Feb 11) to enhance regional coordination and ...

Singapore ranked least corrupt country in Asia-Pacific, third in world: Global anti-graft watchdog
SINGAPORE: For the first time in 14 years, Singapore emerged as the least corrupt country in the Asia-Pacific region in 2024.

SPH Media spending $3m in subsidies over a year to support newspaper delivery
Vendors will get subsidy of $4 per month for each doorstep delivery from April 2024 to March 2025. Read more at straitstimes.com.

Singapore Minister Shanmugam warns people to psychologically prepare themselves for potential terror incident
Singapore's Law Minister warns of potential terror incident, urging psychological preparedness as radicalized individuals are caught in the city.